The Ferret or the Weasel?

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Ron's POV

"Hermione? What are you doing?!?!?!?!?" I screeched ."I loved you, and I thought you loved me?!?!?!"I questioned. "Ron i do i just-"

she started, "no, you have to choose Hermione, me or the ferret." and with tears streaming down my face, I left totally heartbroken.

Hermione's POV

As me and Draco made our way to the train i had to make a decision. If i chose to

sit by Ron I may lose Draco, but if I went with Draco,

Ron would leave me.....what to do, what to do. We boarded the express and I knew

my time was up, what was I going to do? We walked

along and I looked through all the compartments searching for Ron, thinking that

my decision was made. We searched all of the

student section and couldn't find him anywhere, normally I would've suspected

Lavender had put a love spell on him, but Lavender

died in the battle, and as much as I disliked her I felt aweful. I decided to give up

and head down to the Head Girl/Boy compartment

when we heard the undeniable sound of snogging, we heard a loud moan coming

from the bathroom and decided to go check it out. It was just a couple of third years. Gross! We left and with a heavy heart i went with

Draco and cried the rest of the way to Hogwarts. What am i going to do?

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