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I went to my bestfriends house right next to ours. I jumped happily and knocked on his family's door. The door creaked open on its own.

I put my tiny foot inside. I walked around and all the furniture was covered up with white sheets. I walked upstairs.

"Jiminie!" I shouted.

I walked around opening doors and closing them. All empty. When I reached Jimin's room there's was nothing but a box. I walked over to it. There was a note.

'These r old fotoz of us! I haf to go so gudby Nari. ~Ur 7 year old bestfrend, Jiminie'

I opened the box. There were tons of photos of me and Jimin. All our fun times. I sat in my flowery dress and cried. I threw my ballet shoes across the room and threw a tantrum. My parents came and saw what was happening.

"Oh, she found out.. you poor thing.." My mom said.

"Nari, we told you not to come here anymore.." My father said.

"Why? Why didn't chu tell me Mommy? Why didn't chu tell me Jiminie left?!" I cried.
I'm 20 years old now. My father died so we lost most of our money, I live in a small apartment. There's a fence downstairs in an alley with a beautiful rose growing on it. I saw it when I was taking out the trash, I always take out the trash.

"Nari! Sweety! I'm going to work now. Please take out the trash, and like I always say, DO NOT go near those snobby rich people. Alright?" My Eomma(mom) hugged me.

"Mhmm. Bye." I pulled away.

"That's my girl." She smiled and walked out the door.

I sighed. I tied the trash up and put on my jeans and sweater. I grabbed my phone, headphones and walked out the door.

I stuck my phone in my pocket and put in my headphones. I threw the trash in the trashcan and grabbed the hose. I walked over to the rose. I turned to the alley when I spotted a boy on the fence; he's good looking too be honost, but he's on the other side.

I took out one of my headphones. "What are you doing? A face like yours shouldn't be near this shabby fence..." I said.

"What are you doing? A pretty face like yours shouldn't be taking out the trash.." He jumped down and clung to the fence.

Where have I heard this before?

I walked over to the trashcan and dumped out the leftovers. It was getting dark so I started to walk back.

"What were you doing? A pretty face like yours shouldn't be throwing out food alone.." Jimin smiled.
-End of Flashback-

Jimin? No.. there's no way..

"Um.. it's my job sir." I bowed. I remember what Eomma told me. If I ever run into a rich while taking out the trash, be as polite as possible.

"What's with the formal shit? I thought you were the normals?" He leaned on the fence.

"Excuse me? I thought the riches weren't snobs but I guess I spoke too soon." I scoffed. I started to water the rose gently.

"Back up lil girl. The riches aren't snobs. I'm just obeying what my manager told me. The 'normals' are boring and stay away." He quoted with his fingers.

Manager? What? Anyway..

"What the hell did you just say? I'm just OBEYING what my mother told me. The 'riches' are snobby and not to go near them." I quoted as well. What happened to being nice..

THE FENCE, THE ROSE . P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now