Liepers Fork

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"Rose we have a very important day planned." Joelle repeated for the 12th time today. Today is what she would classify an important day, I finally am moving out of my abusive group home to a 'long term' Foster Home.

I don't classify it as important because of course once again in my 17th year of living I get to be pulled from another home, another school. People wonder why I'm the girl who cowers in my bedroom, and who doesn't talk to people. Because I've had to do everything for myself. This is my 12th foster home since Jason, my 26 year old brother was brutally murdered. After he died, I had no other family since I was already Orphaned at the age of 10. The world hated me, I just had to live with it until something happened that took me too.

Unfortunately Jason's case quickly became a cold case; and by now no one cares about Jason. I was 13 when I became a ward of the state, again.

I care Jason.

"Rose, your going to be happy soon." Joe's pearly white smile glistened, she honest green eyes smiled at me. I have grown to be very confident in Joe. Since she became my social worker last Fall, she's been doing a good job. When my foster home before this lost their license the all tried so hard to figure out a way to keep me in their house.

But I had to move to the only place who wanted a 16 year old orphan. Although, legally I wasn't allowed in a group home until I was 17, but Joe forced for me to be able to go to the only home she could find for me, which was two counties and a whole new city away from where I was.

But now I'm moving from Nashville Tennessee, to somewhere that looks deserted.  "Where's this country town?" I asked rolling down my window-rolling my eyes. Today is the 22 of May, and it's finally stopped raining; and it sure is a very beautiful day.

"You're going to be living in Leipers Fork, Tennessee. In a beautiful country estate. You'll be the only foster child, this family is the family that I personally interviewed for your case Rose. May and Boe are both 35 years old, they have a 15 year old boy named Charles. At the house, there is a horse training facility, with a lot of different horses. I believe the maximum number of horses they can stable is 15. May told me that the stable hands can train up to 6 different levels and versions of training, I know it's nothing that your used to Rose. But it will be a great fit. Keep your mind open, don't hide away in your room; and Rose...go outside, get a tan. When I see you in five months, you better be tanner." She patted my leg. I know Joe cares about me, if she could personally stop my pain, she probably would. I wish I could stop my pain too. Its probably where I get my shopping addiction from. 

"Thanks Joelle." I whispered looking out the window, trees and hills is all I see. My assumption is it'll be a small close knit town where everyone will consider me an outcast because makeup and Instagram are how I live my life. This will be a long 11 months. I sighed when I noticed the car turning down a long dirt driveway. "Hastings Stables" the rock/brick sign read.


I smiled dreaming that here I'd find my fit and it will be my 12th and final place to call home, the state will never make me move against my will again that's what I need.

3 miles of rocky bumps and turns we pulled up to a gorgeous white wood and light rock/brick home. There were man working in the fields, paying no attention to our arrival. Southern hospitality, I'm already feeling it- can I go back to the city?

"I don't like it already Joe." I frowned, this is not me, not a place I belong to live. I'm not some cowboy boot wearing, ye haw saying, country music fan kind of girl. I'm a city girl, I listen to Justin Bieber. I wear Uggs, I wear Convers, and I like pink. I refused to listen to Joe. She got this one wrong this time, and I promise you I am not leaving.

"Rosie, my dear give it a month here. I'll see what I can do after a month. For now you have to stay. There's no other house or family I can find for a women your age Rose. My hands are tied, I want the best for you-"

Joe whispered getting ready to get out of her Toyota Prius, stupid hybrid cars. Stupid Joelle thinking she knows what's best for me, neglecting accepting staying, I shook my head looking down at my nude color converse shoes. The only thing I wanted for my birthday, and thanks to my monthly checks I get from Jason, I got to buy them for myself. My goal here was to get a job but the closest town probably was hours. I rolled my eyes thinking about that. No way, I need shopping, I need pink.

"One month." I opened my car door, I felt the anger run through my veins, I don't belong here. One rainstorm and these shoes are ruined. I have expensive clothes and shoes, no way are they going to be ruined here. Not at all. I stomped my feet in anger.

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