Chapter 2

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I watch X-Wings and a few U-Wings leave and return from various missions. Some were just bringing in supplies, some were scouts, and some were defending allies in battle. I had no desire to be a pilot but I didn't really have a choice. Most people in the Rebel Alliance knew my parents and said I was destined to be a pilot. A great one in fact. But I had no interest. I didn't begin to actually fly until I was 17 due to some rules that were probably just made up on the spot. 

If I were to choose a role in this rebellion, I would want to be a ground fighter. I am more aware of my surroundings and there is more freedom of movement. I am not restricted by what my X-Wing is capable of. But even that could get boring. I’ve failed so many missions that it would be over quickly, wouldn’t it?

The war with the Empire has been going on for years. Though it could mean my death, I didn't care as much as I should. Being in this position means a high probability of fatal wounds but I am a survivor and I will continue fighting. 

There were rumors the Empire was developing and building a weapon that was beyond imagination but no one knew what it was. The Star Destroyers are not easily missed once away from where the Rebel Alliance were hiding. The massive ships were made for destruction and terror.

They block the light from the suns surrounding a planet, making everyone feel the cold both temperature wise and in their mind. The people prayed that they weren’t coming for them and just wanted to live. The war started when the Sith revealed themselves and Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Republic. It’s a name that no one mentions. People may have even forgotten about it. 

Ever since.....Ever since then, people have been torn apart from families. I am one of those people.   Poverty is terrible. The Republic nor The Rebel Alliance can help.

The Force stands with you
Or does it really?
The darkness is true
No actions cast involuntarily

With lightning and hate
You can rule
To ensure your fate
Against the Force misrule

Your anger shall guide you
Through the dishonest light
Your opinions are askew
As they lead you to win the fight

Become a Sith, join the dark side
Rise among the many rookies
Trust in us, we have not lied 
I assure you, we have all the cookies

A deep space crusader 
In the darkness you shall see

It was used to get those who wanted to see a different side of the Force to recruit them to the dark side. Some couldn’t follow the Jedi Code as it hindered their ability of exploration and would take any opportunity to gain knowledge and power. 

It’s something everyone used to know, but never acknowledged. Especially on Coruscant. Years after betrayal, it died. Of course it did. Not many things did survive these days. 

I reach my quarters and set down your side bag. It wasn’t fancy. There wasn’t the room or money to give that to people. The higher figures stayed up for extended periods of time and slept off planet in a room who knows where. 

I wipe my hands off then pulled out a small pouch. Inside was a small crystal. I never knew what it was. I had my theories but my interest wasn’t with what it was but who gave it to me. It was a gift from someone I used to know. I don't remember if they were male or female but I only saw them once after that. Lots of memories of the person are blank and there are many questions. I must’ve had a connection to the person for me to keep it all these years. It’s my token and my lucky charm. 

I look up from the crystal and stare at the brown desk in your room. The paint on the wood had begun to chip away and I haven’t had the desire to repaint it as the room could belong to someone else one of these days. My gaze shifts to the window. After all my years living on this planet, I haven’t ever explored the mountains with their never changing green grasses. 

Tomorrow I have off. Finally away from the ship that my parents flew last. I’d like to forget the pain of the loss of my parents and my list of failures but it’s hard when I’m constantly reminded by the dead fighter reports and transmissions I overhear. 

I think of the X-Wing as I get into bed. The satisfaction of seeing the fading orange paint get brighter made me smile. The way they took off for a mission was poetic. All of it was. It never took me that long to fall asleep if I was calm and in 10 minutes, I was dreaming about something completely stupid, and I was fine with that. 

Words: 844

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