chapter 10

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nyashia:omfg r u ok prodigy

prodigy:(gets up) yea

jacob:look im sorry ok but it just that i dont want to see u heartbroken when he cheat on u

nyashia:but what if he does not cheat on me

prodigy:im not

jacob:i know what u did to kay, star, aliyah. angle, anna, jada, jade, mirical, jess(gets cut off)

nyashia:i get it hes a "player" (walks away)

prodigy: damn jacob y u had to do that to me now she prob never want to go out wit me

jacob: just tring to protect my sister (walks to find nyashia)


nyashia pov

i not mad at prod or any i just want to let jacob think that cuz i know hes going on tour 2morrow moring and will be staying in nj wit fam 4 a whole year so he wont know

jacob: nyashia dont get mad over him he just was not to one 4 u

nyashia:(fake cring) but i loved him ever since mrs.right

jacob: its ok but lo(gets cut off by his phone) hold on ny ny (answers phone) ok... no prob....umm....bye look nyashia i have to leave and get ready 4 tour

nyashia: ok bye jacob and dont get by attacked fans (smiles)

jacob: (lol) i wont


5 comments for next chapter and i need some ideas also i need another girl for prod i know yall are confused but u'll see what happends

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