The Truth Comes Out

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Next Morning / 8:29 A.M.

(Phone Convo)

ZaRae: Jay ?

Princeton: Don't call me that !

ZaRae: (offended) Well, Princeton I have something to tell you ..

Princeton: I am listening ..

ZaRae: Two things, one i am pregant and it might be your baby. Two, Jacob Jr. is not your son. That man that was in the car last night was Jacob Latimore ..

Princeton: (mad af) How long ?

ZaRae: How long what ?

Princeton: How long did you think you were gonna keep this up ..

ZaRae: Until we break up which is now, so umm bye (hangs up)

One Month Later

Sabriya: Somebody has to put this pinata' up ..

EverybodyBesidesLilTwist: (looks at Lil Twist)

Lil Twist: What yall looking at me for do I have a booger on my face (starts rubbing face)

Kierra: We need you to put the pinata' up on the ceiling...

Lil Twist: On what ceiling ?

Nyashia: Oh my fucking gosh ! We need you to put the pinata' on that ceiling (points to ceiling)

Lil Twist: But how ?

Makaia: Does he have a brain in that big ass mohawk oh his ?

Princeton: (takes the pinata' and puts it on the ceiling) There you go ..

3 Hours Later

Paris: (opening the door ) Thank you for coming, you can put the gifts over there on that table (points to table)

Paris does that procedure for the next 20 minutes, while Autumn helps everyone put a tiara or party hat on.

Sabriya: Who wants to dance?

AllKidsIncludingProd: Mee !!

Nyashia: Baby !!

Prod: What?

Nyashia: Your 18 years old dancing againist 3 year old ..

Prod: (pouts) That's not fair, Paris swear she can dance better than me !!!

Paris: (evily smirks at Prod) Aha! Looking stupid that's what you get walking around here thinking that you're slick !! (sticks out tongue)


Happy Mother's day to all you mothers ...

outfits are in the comment box ..

Until next time ...

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