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We met when I was only 6 and a half. I always looked up to her since then, I played with her, did her hair, admired her amazing amount of knowledge but in reality, I was only jealous of her, I hoped that, when entering high school I would be able to throw her away and find someone one who would look up to me, as I do to her.
I found, however, that rather than finding my own admirers I got caught in a group of others like myself, who looked up at her like a goddess.
Surprisingly, she clung to me until the end, where I knew she had no excuse but to let me go on my own way, as did she although while she was at a top class psychiatry college, I found myself and a low standard, dodgy college, studying economics rather than pursuing my dream, to be a psychiatrist.
She took everything from me.
My friendships.
My time.
And now my dream.

All in your head - to hide a well known psychiatristWhere stories live. Discover now