17. Two boys down

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Louis POV

How unlucky could Harry be? He escaped from that awful war, only to come back home and be rushed into surgery. What if this time he won't come back? What if this time I'm actually not going to see him again.. what if this time.. No.. I can't think of that. I ran through the doors of the hospital's ER.

"Pacient Harry Styles??" I breathed out.

"Slow down sir, the pacient is still in surgery, first floor, waiting room." the annoying nurse said.

"Thanks.." I muttered. I ran again on the stairs and then found a hallway leading to a big waiting room. I slowed down as I heard two voices singing slowly.. I went further and when I got closer I could understand the lyrics. Liam and Niall were lightly singing.. Oh come oh come Emmanuel..There were red candles on the floor and a few people gathered around, as I heard crying as well. My heart simply shattered.. Was I too late.. or.. It couldn't be real, that nurse just said he's in surgery. She couldn't be wrong was she?... I put my hand on Liam's shoulder and he looked at me.

"What's going on??" I whispered.

"There is a little girl that just died, and we are so sad about it, thinking.. you know.. what maybe happening to Ha – Hazza.." He burst into tears.

"He will be ok Liam, we have to believe that he will be just fine, ok? Please stop thinking negatively." I hugged him, trying to man up both of us, but only I knew how shattered I was too. Nialler was crying with his head holded in hands.

"Ni.. He will be just fine ok? Everything will end up well, I'm sure.."

"Louis,.. please stop talking.." He said annoyed.. what's wrong with this one.

We stayed there in silence for about 5 hours knowing nothing at all. Suddenly a nurse appeard.

"Any news on the boys??" Liam asked and I gazed at her.

"Actually yes, the one that was shot in his thigh, he got out of the surgery, everything went well and he is on the recovery area. You'll be able to go talk to him in a hour or so when he wakes up." She was about to leave, but I catched her hand.

"What about Harry? The other boy?" I asked tears welling my eyes.

"He.." she suddenly saddened.."His heart stopped but we managed to resuscitate him and we put him on bypass for a while, now the doctors stopped the internal bleeding and we are hoping for the best, although, there are chances of him to go into uninduced coma or worse."

"Oh God.. please.. take care of him.. please" We pleaded to her.

"We are doing everything in our power." With that she went back from where she came and then we waited for a couple more hours until the doctor came up.

"Pacient Styles?"

"Yes!" We all jumped from our seats. "Please tell us."

"Pacient is out of surgery, he's going to be fine!"

"Oh thanks God and thank you doctor so much!" I said with my voice cracking.

"Yeah it was a very complicated surgery, I think our nurse told you his heart stopped twice actually.."


"Yes, he is very very weak at the moment, but the test showed that he should be fine, no after damages. He's on recovery now."

"Can we see him?"

"Yes, I'll come again when he wakes up. He's in room 201 Second floor."

"Thank you so much sir!" Me and the boys ran to Harry's room. I got there first. I was the first one to see him. Laying there lifeless. He was so peaceful, so quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the beeping from the heart monitor. It followed the steady beat inside his chest and called out in it's voice "He's still here." His breathing came in short bursts and fell away for what seemed a moment too long for anyone to hold their breath. For me to hold my breath. Everything that he went through, made me realise what a coward I am, and what huge mistake I did. After he came back from hell, wounded, I made him go through hell again. I have to do something, for the boy that loves me the most. We sat there waiting for any sign of life from him. Nothing came. He slept and slept and slept, for hell of a lot time. I think I'm going crazy with all of this silence.

"Guys.. shouldn't we check on Shawn too?" Liam asked.
"Who care's about him?" I said sarcastically.
"Don't be a moron more than you already are, Louis."
"Seriously, I care about my boyfriend here ok?"
"He's not even your boyfriend anymore, wake the fuck up to reality, you're married to Briana and definitely Harry is not going to get between you two."
"You know nothing." I snapped. They left to go check on Shawn. I stayed there on a chair next to Harry's bed, with my forehead next to his arm.
I think I fell asleep for a while, because I woke up when I heard voices talking behind me.

"Oh, look at him." Liam said pitiful, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He is so helpless.." Niall said looking right through Harry.

I took his hand in mine and stroked it slightly. A single tear strolling down my cheek, fell on his hand.

"Lou.." Niall whispered, pointing at Harry. His beautiful green eyes were slowly opening.

"Harry?" I asked softly. Stroking his hand with my thumb.

He was looking at me very confused and his eyes were questioning.

"Harry.. are you okay? Does it hurt anything?" I asked softly but concerned at the same time.

"Who are you?" he whispered, looking confused at me.

My heart shattered again.

Bam bam baam - cliffhanger. This one is definitely shorter than the other ones, but three updates in a freaking day? That's your gift for Christmas, for the ones that read his story. Also I know that Harry's just sleeping in an airplane seat but couldn't find anything closer to a hospital bed than that. Only a few more chapters and we'll say goodbye to our soldiers Harry and Shawn 😭😭😭 tell me if ya all want a sequel !!!

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