Plot twist 4- lots of death

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After Katniss shot the arrow blacking all the screens showing The Hunger Games she died too, as did her child whom was real just as Everlark was right from the start. Even before the Games, actually.
Peeta and Katniss had been together for barely a year when Katniss volunteered and Peeta got reaped. Gale was Katniss cousin and best friend. Really Everlarks love story was daring seeing as Katniss' mother didn't really adore Peeta, nor did Gale. He was too "vulnerable". But Katniss saw something totally different in him, probably his heart which beat only for Katniss as did hers for him.
Their whole love story was as true as the perfection in white.
The electrical shot made the whole arena vibrate with high voltage and everyone inside died.
Every single individual in District 12 also died from the fire bombs.
Later on the Capitol started executing people randomly to show their great power as the Games went on and on and on...
Panem was decreasing in population numbers rapidly.
But every society comes to an end,
this was Panems.

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