Book IV

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    The meek slave then took the map and hurried with quickness of sandal. Over paths and around obstacles he went. Then he came upon a river, and without stopping, tossed the gilded map into the clear water. The slave ran into the darkness of night until he reached his master's house, where there was celebration and feasting before the upcoming journey. While the slave ran, a bandit with an empty hilt stopped by the clear river and lifted the map. The small slave entered his master's house found his mighty master in wine's slumber on the floor. Half the guests were in slumber, the other half sang and ate and danced drunkenly. No eyes gazed upon the city's hero or his slave. No eyes saw the slave pull a dagger from his tunic, and no eyes saw the blade go into the hero's heart. The slave slipped away, and silently thanked the gods for blessing his quest.    

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