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On the eleventh day of slumber, she remembered how she tried to climb the mountain. Every day she would almost reach the top, but by evening the wind with teeth and the wind with tears would push her back down to the foot of the mountain. This happened every day for six more days, and then our hero fell into the slumber. Our hero slept for 17 days, and on each day she recounted one day of her story. Now she awoke, and with newfound strength, she was able to climb out from under all the rocks that had been blown on her. She had the strength to finish climbing the mountain. Once at the top, she found the fearful gods in counsel. And there, she felt her way under the long table quietly to find Zeus and Hades. She found them at long last, disguised as rocks, listening to the gods. Quickly, Artemisa smashed the rocks with the hilt of her dagger, forcing them to turn into their godly form.

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