Science Project

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The next morning Jordyn get's ready for school. She just wears a hoodie and jeans. When she goes downstairs she is greeted by her mom. "Good morning sweetie!"

"Hi. I need to go to my friend's house for a science project." Jordyn reminds her mom.

"Oh, that's right!" she says. Jordyn grabs a granola bar and walks to school. She meets with Anne in front of a candy shop.

"Hey! Are you starting your project?" Anne asks.

"Yeah! I'm going to Chad's house." Jordyn replies. Anne smiles. When they reach the school they sit on a bench.

"Are you excited or nervous?" Anne asks. Jordyn shrugs. Anne then gasps.

"Where is your Alex shirt?" she asks.

"In the dryer. I wore it to bed last night." Jordyn replies. They both look at the time on their phones and start to head into the school.

"Hello science partner!" Chad says to Jordyn while she gets her books. Jordyn jumps.

"Oh, hi Chad. It's great to see you." Jordyn says in a shy way.

"You know, you don't have to be shy with me. Honestly I've always wanted to talk to you. You seem cool." Chad tells Jordyn. He then leaves and goes into the classroom. Jordyn couldn't wait to tell Anne about this.

Lunch finally comes. Jordyn has been waiting for an hour. She sits next to Anne at a small table with their other friend, Hailey.

"So tell us everything that happened!" Anne demands. Hailey is nodding in agreement next to her.

"So, he came up next to my locker and greeted me. He said, 'Hello partner.' I didn't know what to says so all I said was hi, but I was a bit shy. He then said that he always wanted to talk to me. That's when my face was probably as red as a tomatoe." Jordyn describes. Anne and Hailey look at each other and squeal.

"That's great! You have to ask him to that dance at the end of the year!" Hailey says. Jordyn nods then takes a bite into her sandwich. She probably would be too shy to ask him to the dance, but it was worth a try.

The end of the day comes. Jordyn and Chad meet up at the front doors. "My mom should be picking us up. I want to warn you about my sister. She can be annoying." Chad informs Jordyn. Jordyn nods. His mom then pulls up and they both hop in.

"Hi! I'm Chad's mom. You can call me Cathy." Chad's mom introduces herself.

"I'm Jordyn! It's nice to meet you." Jordyn replies. Chad's sister turns around in the passenger seat.

"So you're that cute girl Chad always talks about?" she asks.

"I don't think so." Jordyn replies, nervously. His sister smirks at Chad.

"I don't talk about you that much. I only told them that you were my partner and you are cool." Chad explains.

"I'm Whitney." she says to Jordyn. After that they reach the driveway of their house. It's a big house near a mall.

They walk in. "Nice house." Jordyn says in awe.

"Thank you! Now let's go into my room to start the project." Chad says. They reach his room and sit on his bed.

"So we need to make a 3D model of a plant cell." Chad reads. He's reading the project rubric. Jordyn nods and grabs materials she bought at a store. They start constructing the plant cell. After two hours of hard work, they finish.

"Amazing!" Chad exclaims. Jordyn nods.

"Let's leave it here. I'll bring it in tomorrow along with the rubric. Thanks Jordyn!" Chad says.

"N-no problem. And you seem pretty funny." Jordyn replies. Chad leads Jordyn to the front door and she is picked up by her mom.

Authors Note: Hope you like this chapter. Next chapter things will speed up a bit. This chapter is long since last chapter was short. Have a great day! Also sorry for any typos. I made this at around 12 AM

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