Dad and Denis

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Jordyn woke up the next day at 5 AM. She got up before everyone else so she decided to text Anne. "Hey, are you up?" Jordyn types, but no answer. She thought that Chas would be up since he usually wakes up at this time. He texted him the same thing.

"Hi Jordyn I'm up you ok?" Chad replies.

"Nothing just bored. I did hear that Lindsey might move in the middle of next year." Jordyn types.

"I did too. Honestly didn't think she'd do something like that..." Chad types back.

"I guess you could say she's a Yandere. Nearly murdered me XD" Jordyn jokes. Her and Chad had an inside joke about stuff like that.

"I'd say Tsundere cause she loved me yet really tough" Chad replies. Jordyn laughs.

"She's a baka!" Jordyn types. She texted him more. An hour later Denis and Dad both run into her room. They were trying to see who could wake up Jordyn first, but she was already up.

"You're up? You usually wake up later on off-days." Denis says, shocked. Jordyn's dad nodded.

"Well good thing you're up! I invited Corl to stay over and he'll also be staying until your birthday." Denis says. Jordyn jumps out of her bed and hugs Denis.

"How cool. Well I'll be making pancakes." Jordyn's dad says. Jordyn and Denis didn't listen. They kept talking about all the things they'd do with Corl. Jordyn and Denis both head downstairs. Denis helped their dad make the pancakes while Jordyn watched The Pals play MM2.

"Alrighty listen up Denis, that is my little girl. Don't try to take her away from me. If you do I'll-" Jordyn's dad says. He got cut off by Jordyn's mom.

"Hey everyone! I smell pancakes!" she cheers. Denis and their dad jump and nod. She sets up the table and walks over to Jordyn.

"Hi Jordyn. Remember how much you wanted the Alex wolf plush?" Jordyn's mom asks. Jordyn excitedly nods.

"Well I ordered it for you as a congratulations for graduating." her mom explains. Jordyn cheers and hugs her mom.

"Pancakes are ready girls." Jordyn's dad announces. They both get off of the couch and eat pancakes.

The rest of the day was mainly just Dad against Denis. Soon is the Graduation party and Jordyn's birthday.

Authors Note: Sorry for the boring chapter. Next chapter is the party then the last day of school for Jordyn along with her birthday and a surprise ending. Hope you enjoyed the book so far and sorry that it's coming to an end soon. Bye!

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