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I hate when I get letters from my dad he always lie about everything.

Dear Carrie,

Hi babygirl, I miss you a lot. I hope you come and visit me and your brothers for Christmas. I love you a lot. Its not your fault I left your mom. Her and I weren't working out. We were always arguing about dumb stuffPlease babygirl don't blame yourself.

Love daddy

All lies I hate him. He's not really a daddy. He's. Just my father or should I say sperm Donner he never really loved me. When I was little he used to beat me and my mom when I was crying about something. Or when I didn't pass my grades in school. I tried so hard to please him but nothing was never enought for him. So I gave up and took every beating I got it got to the point when he was beating me I couldn't feel any pain because it became a normal thing for me. Sometimes I wished I was dead.

Next Day-
Today is Monday. I have school so I got up at 5:30 am as usual took a shower ate breakfast and got dressed. Today I was wearing my black Nike's with my skinny V.I.P. jeans and my forever 21 T-shirt that Chris bought me for my birthday last year. I live the way Chris smells but he's one of those hoes that hits it and quits it so I stay away from him as much as I can. Its so hard to he's so irisistiable. snap out if it carrieI'm in first period which is Physics I sit next to Chris he's my lab partner. Today we were learning about molecules and compounds. I was so lost in Chris's blue dreamy eyes I didn't hear anything that Mrs. Allen said

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