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"Mrs. Allen, Can you tell me what a molecule is??" Said the teacher Mrs. Allen

"Carrie" said Chris

"Oh sorry I zoned out yes a molecule means....I don't know really" I said

"Well if you were paying attention instead of staring at Chris you would have known" said the teacher

"Sorry I will pay attention" I said

Class finally ended it felt like three years but in all reality it was only thirty minutes

I was walking down the hallway when someone tapped on my shoulder
I turned around to see Chris and his group of friends
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie with me" Chris asked

I thought to my self Omg its finally happening my dream is coming true

"Sure" I said

He gave me his number and said "be ready by 5 tomorrow night dress nice"

Finally the last bell rang for us to get out of school

I drove home. I went straight to my room and started looking for something to where tomorrow night

My mom walked in my room to let me know that she was not going to be home tomorrow when I get home from school
I thought to my self yes that way I don't have to worry about her asking me where I'm going.


Hey everyone thanks for reading my book I still need two more characters so please give me some names thanks

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