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Welcome one welcome all. Annoying was kind enough to give me my own book. That happens when you appear as a epic side character. So maybe I'll start with how a legend is born.

It was a dark stormy winter night, Annoying was staying up late in her lab. An evil cackle startled the winds howling out side.

"I guess I'm no-one." she giggled at her own joke. That was my first line. My debut as a character.

"Oh hi Sparkles. You figured out the computer have you?"

"Yep. I did Annoying." I said pressing the exit button on her computer So she couldn't see I hacked her Wattpad account.

"What cha' doing?" annoying asked.


"You're looking up bellosom pics again aren't you?" she gave me a disproving glare.

"Maybe..." I was cautious.

"Ok whatever. Do you want some hot chocolet?"

"Yes please." I said as she left. I turned Wattpad back on. I was epic from the second my first line was said. It was the birth of a legend.

Sparkles!!!!!!! That's not accurate.

I partook in author's liberty.

First off I don't have a lab or an evil laugh.

-.- no evil laugh. huh. Coulda fooled me.

-.- you get the point. It was quite nice outside 19 degrees out. No storms middle of the day, and I was sitting in my bed. Not in an evil lab.

I at least got the part of you laughing like a maniac when you made me.

Fine. Continue Sparkles. This could get interesting.

Thank you. Now as I was saying, I was born a legend. Fully evolved, it was pretty epic. Just like me. I am epic. Epic epic epic me.

Cut it out with the word epic or I will kill you off.

Fine. I am awesome, the most awesome of awesome. So this book was made to catalogue my adventures. Unforunately you'll have to deal with Annoying's peanut gallery comments.

I'm not that bad!

By the way it's a bit late but I should introduce my self. I am the thief in the black mask.

It's green.

My name makes all of the ladies swoon.

No they run in fear.

I once defeated an army with a hand tied behind me back.

Correction they defeated you.

I'm the one that brought back the spring of eternity.

Umm... It's still dried up. It never ran again remember.

I am the one that defeated a dragon slayer.

You had a type advantage.

I am the one that rescued princess Pear during the great drought.

Yeah then her brother rescued her from you.

I am the one awesome enough to get his own book.

How long are you going to go?

I am the one, the only. ~Pause for dramatic effect~

You seriously just whispered "pause for dramatic effect"?


Sparkles! >:( Do you know how hard it is to get glitter out of the carpet!

Nope but I don't care either. Oh Annoying I saw the prettiest new Pokémon the other day.

And she turned you down didn't she.

Nope. Not this time. :) she said she's from aloa.

She clearly hasn't heard of you yet.

Nope. She did know who I was! Amazing isn't it. She's really pretty.

What kind of Pokémon is she?

I didn't quite catch her species, but she looks a bit like a Skyther or levaney only pink.

Umm... I'm not ready to kill you off yet. Stay clear of her, she's a lurantis. She will literally kill you in your sleep.

No she won't she said she's different.

That's what they say before they eat you.

I'm still going on a date with her this Wednesday.

Your life expectancy just went from another year or two to this Wednesday.

Lalalala I'm not listening you just want me to be forever alone.

That is part of your character design.

No. No I won't believe you!
*grabs Annoying's notebook she keeps character profiles in*

Sparkles the Roserade
Backstory: All ways helps damsels in distress and searching for high adventure. Damsels in distress ALL WAYS have a boyfriend. He's not ugly, he's just annoying so her can't get a girlfriend.

That's not a backstory

Shut up and keep reading

Goal: get a girlfriend

Shallow goals Annoying. Shallow goals.

Keep reading.

Accomplishments: Fails everything. Other stuff of legends.

You suck at out lining your characters.

I'm pretty good at killing them.

Good point.

Special skills: He's a great dancer, and he's great at annoying everyone. Also funny.

That's so sweet. I can dance?

Yes. Your fantabulous at it.

Flaws: Changes his mind easily. Also loves to take author's privilage.

What do you mean by takes author's privilege? -.-

You lie. You make yourself sound epic when you're not.

That's not true. I always tell the truth on my epic deeds. I couldn't make them more epic if I tried.

Mmmkay. Just don't let the Lurantis eat you. I kinda like you as a character. It'd be disappointing if you died in your second chapter.

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