Chap. 8 Pleasure, Suprise, and Hopefully Understanding

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James returned about an hour later with a large, red hand print across his face.

Sirius laughed. "So..... did Evans do that?"

James looked at him with a look that could kill. "No, Snape did. OF COURSE SHE DID! Prat."

"Are you calling me a prat or Evans, because either way you're wrong." Sirius replied.

"Sirius, sweetie, I'm going to hit you in a minuet if you don't shut-up." Prongs said, taking a step in Pads direction just in case he did say something else.

"James, I get hit everyday, what are you going to do that's any different?"

James stood there and gaped at what Sirius had just said. Remus was sitting on his bed with a book during this little conversation, but now he put it down at gaped at Sirius along with James.

A smile crept across Padfoots face. "You both are so easy to screw with."

James let out a sigh. "You suck, you know that, Sirius?

"I don't yet, but I'm hoping to." Pad replies with a wink in Moonys direction.

"Oh my god! I'm done! Good day!" James all but runs out.

"Uh.... uh.... I think it might be time for me to meet Lily at the library, so if you'll excuse me..." Remus tried to get out the door, but Sirius was faster. Damn Quidditch.

"Where do you think you're going, Moons?" The taller boy asked Rem.

"L-l-like I said..... I was going to the, uh.... uh....." Lupin struggled for words in this close proximity to the man he was in love with. The smell of his cologne, the silver of his eyes, so deep they seemed to be wells, the way his muscles moved under his tight uniform shirt....

Remus's chin was titled upward to be level with Blacks. A kiss was placed upon Moons lips that ignited.... something else. 

Him. That's all either I could think of. The feel of their bodies, the taste of the others lips, the moans and groans they made. There was only the other person.

Remus had never done anything like this, neither had Sirius, but both enjoyed it. Both knew it was right.

Time made no obstacle for Moony and Padfoot. There was only pleasure.

Peter was walking up to the dorm about an hour after this episode happened. He didn't know of Remus and Sirius, but he was about to find out.


Padfoot and Moony lay tangled up in the sheets of Remus's bed, but bolted upright when they heard the curse.

"Wormy.... wh...what're you doing here?" Remus stuttered.

"Uh... could we have some privacy to get dressed?" Sirius asked.

Wormtail seemed like he wasn't able to speak, but backed out of the room anyway.

As soon as the door shut, Black and Lupin jumped up to grab their clothes.

"Why didn't you lock the door?!" Sirius accused.

"Why are you blaming me?!" Remus questioned.

"Because you're the responsible one!"

When they both had their clothes back on (And the right ones, at that. They had to switch trousers) The went out to find Peter frantically motioning to James, who stood in front of him with a confused look on his face.

When Potter spotted Remus and Sirius coming out of the dorm, he motioned them over. "What is Wormy talking about? Or... not talking about? He's not saying a word, just gesturing wildly."

Remus tried to explain. "Well, uh..... he kinda.... sorta....."

When words failed Remus, Peter found them. "THEY WERE IN BED TOGETHER!!! NAKED!!!" Good thing the Gryffindor common room was deserted.

Sirius flinched at the loudness of Wormy scream in the enclosed space. "Yea, that."

"Oh. Is that it? I mean, that is sorta nasty guys, but- OH! Peter, you didn't know, did you?" James questions.

Peter looks at each other their faces in turn. "Know what?!"

"That they're gay and -I assume- together now."

Peter's face went white and he passed out cold on the floor.

James looked down at him. "Well, aparently not." Prongs looked back up at Moons and Padfoot. "Were you guys really in bed together?"

"Yea....." Both the boys mutter.

James sighs. "At least it was Peter that walked in on you."

"Its not like he caught us in the middle of it!" Sirius tryed to explain. "And how is it good that it was Peter that caught us?"

"Would you rather of McGonagall have caught you?"

Sirius gaged and Remus just stood there with a horror struck look on his face.

"See? Now," James turned towards the dorm, "lets she what kind of damage you've done." Prongs walked in, stood in the doorway for a minuet or so, turned around and looked at the two Marauders with a look of horror, surprise and laughter.

Sirius blushed deeply. Something he never did. "So..... uh....... we weren't on your side of the room!" He tried to smile.

Remus chuckled and James just smacked himself in the face with both hands.

When he had half way composed himself, he said: "Well, now I know why Peter passed out." Then proceeded to go and lay down on the common room couch.

Sirius cracked a smile and spoke to Rem. "I think we broke him."

Moony smiled. "Yup."

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