Chapter 10 Torture

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A few days after the fight, Lucius was still dodging Rem and Siri. Classes that he had with one or both of them, he would sit in the back of the class and stare at them like he was thinking: “What are they?” or something of that nature. Sort of like the teachers did before the Headmaster called them up to his office.

Sirius didn’t want another altercation to happen, so he just went with it.

The four Marauders were sitting under their oak tree doing the same old things when Remus (begin the book worm he was) said he had some homework to go and finish.

“The Herbology essay we have due next week?” James asked, messing with Moony.

“No, it’s the Transfiguration essay we have do in 3 days.” Remus replied standing up and gathering his bag.

As Lupin was about to walk off, Sirius stood up and said: “I’ll go with you. Can’t be sitting up there all by yourself, now can you?”

Remus rolled his eyes because he knew Black was screwing about.

They left James and Peter at the tree and walked up to the school and down one of the many long corridors. As they were going down a deserted hallway with more than a few empty classrooms, both boys hear the creak of a door and a yelled: “STUPIFY!”

Remus and Sirius wake-up sometime later in a dark classroom. The desks are all pushed up against the walls and only a single window is open, allowing only a small portion of light in. The two Marauders look at their hands and feet and they are bound tightly in ropes.

Out of the shadows step two Slytherins: Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix LeStrange. Bella has a smile upon her face, the same as Malfoy. They both began to laugh.

“What in the hell?” Sirius said incredulously. “What are you two doing?”

“Nothing,” Lucius chuckled, “we’re just going to get the truth out of you, Black.”

“What ‘truth’?” Sirius asked, knowing full and well what he meant.

“The truth that you’re a fag and screwing this mud blood.” Bella snarled, no longer laughing.

“HE’S NOT A MUD BLOOD!” Padfoot yelled into the dark space around them.

“’Course he is!” LeStrange said now pleased, most likely from Sirius’s outburst. She walked over and kicked Remus in the side. He yelled out in pain and a crunch was heard.

"Aren’t you a mud blood, Lupin?” She asked in a deathly low voice.

When Remus couldn’t answer from pain and tears he wouldn’t let fall, she pulled out her wand.

“NO, DON’T!” Pads yelled to no avail. Bella bellowed “CRUCIO!” and Remus screamed in extreme pain. Tears slipped down his face and his conciseness followed not long after.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!” Sirius yelled, tears now streaming down his face.

“There. I think we can get something out of him now.” Malfoy sneered.

Sirius wished he was free of his bonds. He would kill Lucius with his bare hands. He was hurting the man he loved!

“FINE! Do you want me to tell you I’m gay?! Do you want me to say I’m in love with this bloke?! I’ll do it if you’ll leave him alone! I’ll do it in front of the entire damn school even!” Black took a breath and waited to see what would happen.

The bond Slytherin smiled and then used the curse on Siri. From his years of abuse at home, he was ‘’used’’ to the pain, but it was still a shock and he screamed at the top of his lungs.

After god knows how long, both boys bodies couldn’t take it anymore and they both blacked out for a few hours. It didn’t matter though. When either of them would come to, they would delve back into a world of unimaginable, magick inflicted pain.

But right in the middle of a torture session, the door creaks open and light floods the room. In steps the one and only Severus Snape.

His eyes widen when he sees the two sweaty, bound boys. “What in the hell are you doing to them?!”

“Nothing, Severus. We’re just having a little fun, that’s all.” Bella said. “Come on, Sev. Have a little fun. We know what this sorry excuse for a pure blood has done to you. Here is your chance to get back at him.”

“I don’t want to ‘get back’ at him. Not like this, anyway. How long have you been doing this to them?” Snape asked, still staring at Remus and Sirius.

Malfoy looked at the large grandfather clock in the corner of the room. “Since about 10:00.” It was 5:00 now.

“When were you planning on stopping?” Severus asked.

“I don’t know. When one of them begs?” Lucius replied.

Snape knew they would never allow them to beg. He got an idea. “Ok, carry on.” Then he walked out with the sound of screams at his back.

Severus ran down the hallway when he was out of ear shot of the class room.


I want to thank @laydownyourfears for this wonderful idea. I was lost, asked her, and she delivered! :D Lucius Malfoy is a…. dick, so it wasn’t that hard to write this. Bellatrix speaks for herself. Severus’s can be sweet, so that’s why he did what he did. I’m sorry if you’re a serious (no pun intended) Wolfstar fan and this hurt to read. It hurt to write!

Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and tell me what you though, or tell me YOUR ideas of something to happen.

(ON HOLD) Mysterious Kind Of Magick (Marauder, Wolfstar)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin