Chapter 9, Part 1: Vacuo

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So the day where we would choose our first missions was upon us. My team all seemed to agree that the best route to take was one that was simple and recuperating, but at the same interesting; I mean, who really wants to follow around a detective all day and run around the inner city pretending to be cops and writing out infractions?

I certainly don't.

"Alright students, it's time to select your first missions. Choose wisely, as some of you may be shipped outside the kingdom and therefore be gone for quite a few days. Be sure to pack only the essentials for your trip and make sure you stay well hydrated and fed and rested throughout the entire time you are shadowing your Huntsman and Huntresses." Ozpin told us, which earned a collective groan from everyone. They were tired of being lectured by the guy, but I knew he was just doing his job as our professor and headmaster and looking out for us.

But, wait, if he was a professor, why did I never see him teach a class or anything? That's kinda weird. I'm getting suspicious.

What are we doing? Who are we? Right our first missions! Stay focused Violet!

"Ah yes, have you given any thought to the mission you would like to take?" Glynda found me and addressed me softly. I nearly jumped out of my skin; I wasn't expecting her smooth voice to be speaking to me so suddenly.

"Uh yes I have ma'am. And my teammates are all in agreement that a mission that's not as high stakes would be good for us right about now. But, I am in opposition with them. I think something exciting and challenging is exactly what we need." I told her, trying to come up with a complete response and not look like she scared the wits out of me.

Well, she did.

"I see. Well consider the options on all the screens as you walk about and remember you're doing this as a first official mission, which means not only will you be graded on your performance, and how you well you shadow your professional Huntsman but on who and if all of you make it back in one piece. I don't expect anything less than the best from you, Miss Schnee." She said to me as she walked away configuring something on her touch pad.

Great Mama, why did you have to set the bar so high?

I mean now I think anything less than an A from someone with the last name Schnee will be a disappointment. And hey how come you never take me to see Grandfather? Wait, do I even have one of those?

Stay focused!

I went up to a board to curiously look at the choices we had. There wasn't much for something relaxing yet challenging. It was either you wanted to take it easy and relax after these past couple of days or you wanted to be challenged and on your toes, always training. And I could tell you, right now, I could be both of those people.

The only problem would be that I would have to fight with my scythe or even my semblances, which, aside from the speed one, I wasn't too skilled in, because my rapier was still broken, thanks to someone. Yes, I'm looking at you Maesen.

It was in the repair shop as of currently, and there was nothing I could do about that. Unless somehow it miraculously came back to me fixed right now, or my parents showed up. What are the odds of that happening though?

"Hey everyone, I think we'll do this one." I pointed to it.

"A raccoon raiding a dorm building and the commons of that school in Vacuo? Doesn't seem too exciting." Remarked Nyx. "But then again, it seems like a lot of extra work that we don't necessarily need either." She deliberated out loud with herself.

"Well I think it could be fun." I told then and clicked it with my finger, signing us up for that mission by typing in the name of our team. Right away Ozpin came over to us to not only speak about the mission and but to approve us and say good luck.

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