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"alain i got him, let's get out of here!!!" Mairin shout to guy with bow, ash guessed his name is alain, and now alain is running to van and they will gonna escape, ash tried to stand up but he has bruises from the ryhorn so he couldn't managed to stand properly, when he stand aln was already jumped inside the van and mairin hit the gas, the van drove away from there and they kidnapped pikachu

"PİKACHU!!!" Ash yelled behind them but no use, serena wasn't here and pikachu got kidnapped by, and ash is no condicion to fight!, this night is getting better and better.......

"Alright ash, don't panic, pikachu can sense demons right?, and they can sense angels right?, so angels should sense demons as well, right?" Ash keep mumbling while walking around in panic, he begin to think what to do, thinking about a plan, a strategy, anything...

"go to apartment, find serena, she will track pikachu and we will get him back" ash mumbled, this was the best thing he could come up with right now, so he made his way to his apartment, with or without the blood problem serena will help this time



Ash head to his apartment but when he opened the door nobody was there, ash checked everywhere, bathroom, living room, kitchen and...and the apartment is all that, but still no sign of serena, where she could've gone?, ash begin to panic, first pikachu and now serena, but ash's thoughts begin to drift somewhere else when he saw the laying dresses and girl clothes on ground and on wardrobe

"Serena please tell me you didn't..." ash worreidly mumbled and head outside to paul's mansion



Paul's mansion was shaking from the bass and sounds, but the one who's enjoying herself more than other's is serena, paul and gary made him drink too much that she lost control

"WHAHAAAHAHA!" Serena was dancing on couch while laughing hard, all those drinks dawn forced her to made her extrememly drunk, and every guy is watching her swaying her hips left and right with the rythm of the music, including paul and gary who's staring her with an evil smirk on their faces

"Looks like my plan worked" gary said to paul while smirking

"Yeah but remember, i called dibs" gary said back, but dawn eardropped to their conversation

"What are you two talking about?" Dawn asked to them, but she still enjoys herself for seeing serena like that

"Why do you think she gone this crazy, we mixed drugs in her drinks, soon she will be unable to resist" gary said to dawn, that killed dawn's mood of enjoyness, she begin to worry because she exactly get what he meant by unable to resist

"What?!, how can you do something like that?!" Dawn worriedly asked, almost shout, paul raised an eyebrow

"Why does it matter to you anyway?" Paul asked, somehow that cause dawn to blush

"N-nothing, do what you want, just don't make me involve with it" dawn stuttered and walked away, both garu amd paul got confused on why suddenly she got mad like that but they didn't cared that much, world's most beautiful and sexy girl is between their fingers

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