Sir no-

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Patryk, Paul and Tord were sitting at the meeting table, more so having a normal conversation than planning a raid or invasion. Eventually Patryk asked "So, what do you plan on doing after the raid?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

Paul shrugged, looking bored and apathetic... So normal basically.

"What about you, Sir?" Patryk looked over to Tord who was playing with a pen, he looked up when attention was put on him "Eh, few things". He shrugged, Patryk attempted to keep up the conversation "Like what?"

Tord thought for a bit "Repair the robots, plan another raid, order better food for the cafeteria, Communism stuff, Tom". He counted each of the things on his fingers as he listed them.

Patryk gets shook. "I'm sorry what was that last one, Sir?" He squints, hoping he misheard.



I love how hardly anyone is saying anything about the Jordan development.

Don't worry though, he'll be killed off for sure.

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