Why is JordEdd a thing?

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Jordan sits at a table humming the theme song to a particular show about homosexual rocks while swaying happily. WHEN SUDDENLY- Author kicks down the door, "sON" They chant, crab walking over to their confused child.

Jordan watches he stops humming, looking confused as all hell. "Uhh, me?" He points to himself, in a worried tone. Author grabs the child by the collar "sON" Jordan squeaks in confusion and fear.

"What?!" He attempts to push Author away.

Author drops him, "Congrats, you're liked!" The figure of nothingness cheers, applauding politely. Jordan blinks, a little concerned "How do you know, who are you... Or better yet, what are you?" Jordan points at the being accusingly.

Author laughs, "Don't worry about all of those questions. Be thankful, people like you now!.. They might even think you're cool" Author pokes the pale faced dork.

Jordan's corner of his mouth perk up into a smile. His eyes going glittery from delight "People think I'm cool.. Wait why?" His voice quivering from such a compliment.

"Yeah sure, in time you may upgrade from a purposeless oc to a fanon character!" Author did a tap dance on the spot with a black cane that appears from hell knows where.

Jordan claps along, tearing up and not paying attention to much else other than the fact that he was liked and considered 'cool'. Author randomly floats up towards the ceiling "yaAAY, prepare for suffering, young one!"

Jordan slowly stopped applauding, "H-hold on" He watches the Author sink into the ceiling like tar.

Author waves to the red head "Alsoforsomereasonyou'remarriedtoEddnow?IhavepoweroverthisbutrefusetotakeactionBYEEEE" With that they were gone.

Jordan blinked, his eye's going separate ways. Then processing what he said. "hOLD ON".


Seriously tho who and why are shipping JordEdd?
Also while writing this I wondered what would happen if Jorden had a crossover meet with the fanon characters...
What would happen if he met Pay? (Patryk's fanon brother)

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