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Dear Eddie,

It's been 3 years since your death. Everyday I remember how much I love you. Not a day goes by that I don't remember being with you and how you made me feel. Everyday just makes it harder for me. I don't sleep much at night, everytime I close my eyes I remember you laying in my arms covered in blood. I remember how hard I tried to keep you with me, how I didn't speak for nearly a year. Whoever said time heals all clearly lied. No matter how much time passes by the pain is still there. I know your probably at peace now and your probably happy, but I can't help but be selfish and want you here. I hope one day I'll see you again, maybe one day all this pain and suffering will be gone and I'll wake up with you by my side once again. Maybe one day this will all go away and it'll all be just one horrible nightmare.

I remember that day like it had just happend. I remember how we kissed and you held me promising to never leave me. The stars were shining and the moon was bright everything was perfect. We were perfectly inlove. Then it all collapsed, your bad habits got you in trouble, they got you killed. That night my heart shattered. My life fell apart and I forgot how to speak. My parents couldn't handle me after 2 months so they sent me away. I spent 6 months in a mental institution, everyday was hell and every night was worse. I learned how to survive on little to no sleep, but worse of all I learned how to survive without you, without my heart.

I know one day we'll be together again, but I have no idea how much longer I'll survive without you.

With all my love
Your one and only

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