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"Stop!" I fling myself on top of him but it's no use. His rough hands peels me off his buff body easily and he tosses me across the room, where I feel my back hit the wall. I wish I am bigger, stronger, buffer, enough to fight him. My sister's muffled screams fills the living room and I cover my ears with trembling hands, trying to block out those terrifying screams.

I have to stop him.

"Please," I whimper, picking myself up. He ignores me and pins Gemma onto the floor. She is sobbing and shaking, her frail body barely moving as he moves on top of her, caging her between his two arms.

"Please," I say again, louder than I expected this time. I pick my scrawny thirteen year old body up and regain my balance, stumbling towards him. I use the wall for support and everything around me shifts except for the both of them in front. He keeps Gemma pinned on the floor with his legs and turns to look at me. I swear there's evil in his icy blue stare.

"Harry," Gemma calls out from under his weight. "Harry, go to your room, please," her voice is weak, exactly how she sounded like when she had her throat in his fist the other night.

I ignore her and take a step towards them. "Stop hurting her," I let out a squeak. "Go home. You had too much to drink," I say in my bravest voice.

He cocks his head to head to one side and smiles menacingly. It brings pools of fear into my stomach. I feel like throwing up and my heart keeps thumping wildly against my ribcage. I fear it was going to break through. I hold my chin up high, though, even when he climbs off her. I want to show him that I am not afraid of him, that he can't hurt me. He wasn't always like this.

"Stop touching her," I say as calmly as I can manage. His eyes gleam and terror fills my stomach up again. It's in there, like a rough sea, swirling in the never ending pit that is my belly.

"Harry... Please stop. Go back upstairs, Harry. I'll sort this out," Gemma begs me but I hold my ground. "Just go, please. I'll fix this."

"There's nothing you can fix!" I exclaim, surprised at my sudden burst of anger. I look straight into his hooded eyes and his lips slowly twist into a smirk. I feel my anger melt away instantly, and fear takes over once again.

Gemma has always called me a lion, fierce, courageous. But he is my trainer, the owner to my whip. He can make me back down with one glare. Sure, I am angry, but I am scared too.

"L-leave my sister alone, you psycho," I say as firmly as I can. I know that I am much younger than him, my skeleton-like body is no match against his 170 pound muscles.

I hear him grunt, a deep chuckle following after that. "Listen, curly. Gemma's mine. Leave us alone. I'm gonna have some fun with my baby girl. I can do whatever I want to her," he speaks in a monotone, which leaves me trembling. I hate it when he speaks like this. He reminds me of something non-human. A monster.

"She's my sister. You leave her alone," I squeak, emphasizing the 'you'.

Scott smiles. He picks Gemma off the ground easily, and throws her on his shoulder. He takes a step towards me and Gemma struggles, kicking her feet, and prying at his arms.

"Here you are, Curly. Your bloody sister!" he flings Gemma onto the ground before me. She lands with a loud and heavy thump. Without a moment of hesitation, I drop down next to her and try to help her up. She us rubbing her shoulder, crying softly to herself. How did it get to this?

"Look at the both of you!" Scott strolls up to us, pacing circles around is like a predator watching its prey. "Pathetic!" He kicks Gemma in the gut and I hear her cry out as tears stream down her face like an endless stream. "Fucking pathetic, you two!"

"Leave her alone," I beg, my voice cracking. Gemma's cries echo around the room, and I know that it will haunt my sleep tonight, if I do get any.

Scott smirks at me and picks me up by my collar, I can feel his knuckles press against my throat as he picks me off the ground. He pulls me close and I flinch away. I can smell that smell I despise so badly, the smell of liquor.

"Whada I told you?" he spits. "She's fucking mine. I can do whatever I want to her. Fuck off," he throws me onto the ground and my forehead hits the corner of the coffee table. Glass shatter around me and my shaking fingers find its way to my temple. It's split open and I can feel the warm liquid ooze out of the deep cut. It stings like crazy. I watch in horror as he strolls casually back to Gemma, who was still on the ground. He picks her up easily by her long and tangled hair and his fist reels back...


a/n: Hello! I really appreciate all the support you have given me so far! Thank you! I hope you enjoyed this prologue, I changed it up a bit. I also plan to change a bit of the plot and backstory, which you'll soon see in the coming chapters

Important note: This time, I'll let you PICK THE CAST. Go ahead and comment any celebrity, singer, actor, model, or anyone who YOU think is suitable for the roles:
I'll pick the ones I find most suitable, I might change it in the future if I see a better suggestion. The reason why I'm doing this is to get YOU guys INVOLVED in this story too. You guys have helped me so much, and I really want you to be a part of this. (((:


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