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"Good evening everyone, this is your pilot speaking," the PA system cracks to life as the plane rocks a little as it lands. "We urge you not to take your seat belts off until the aircraft has stopped completely. British Airways wishes you a safe and pleasant journey ahead. Thank you for flying with us," the intercom cracks again. "Cabin crew report for landing," the pilot says before the intercom goes silent. After a few moments the plane halts to a stop and the orange glow of the seat belt sign in switched off with a ding.

The passengers unbuckle their seat belts quickly and piled onto the isle. I wait my turn as the line wasn't budging anyways. I look out the window where I see other planes taxi and navigate onto the runway where they take off and land.

Once the isle had thinned out, I grab my backpack across my aching shoulder and make my way towards the exit. An air stewardess wishes me goodbye and I adjust my sweater, smiling at her simultaneously.

This is it! London. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. I've wanted to study here ever since Sky moved here a couple years ago.

Once I am inside the terminal building, I follow the signs leading towards the baggage claim. I watch as luggage tumble down onto the conveyor belt. Black suitcases, brown rucksacks, fancy plaid bags, and finally, my battered brown case. I grab it and wheel it away.

I make my way hurriedly towards a crowd of people holding up signs, welcoming their loves ones or whoever they're expecting. Sky said that she would be somewhere here so I look around for her mob of electric blue hair. Maybe, she dyed it green this time, who knows?

"Hannah! Over here!" I hear her voice over the noisy chatters from the crowd. I spin around to find the source of the voice. I have to stand up on the tip of my toes because I am not tall enough to look over the thick crowd of people.

Poking my head above the crowd, I finally spot her mob of bright blue hair which stands out from the sea of brown and blacks. I push past the crowd of people and make my way towards her. She waves at me and I quicken my pace.

As I get closer to Sky, I notice some changes in her appearance from the last time I saw her, which was about a year ago, last Christmas. She doesn't look a day older from that night. However, she has more tattoos and I think I can spot a new piercing or two. Nevertheless, she still kept her striking, attention grabbing electric blue hair. She had added some lilac highlights in the ends too this time, which I think is a bit overkill. I also notice that she has a new tattoo of a person doing a handstand on her shoulder which I admit is pretty cool. She is wearing a yellow tank top and a pair of ripped jeans. God, isn't she cold?

"Hey Sky," I greet her with a warm, tight, bear hug and she returns the embrace. "It's nice so see you again. I've missed you."

"Yeah," my cousin smiles brightly, exposing a set of pearly whites. "I can't believe it's been almost a year. We used to see each other every day when we were kids."

"That's because you don't bother to visit me," I laugh.

"Well, I was busy. Why didn't you visit me?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess I was busy too, or maybe I've forgotten about you," I play along.

"Forgotten about me?!" Sky throws her hands up in the air dramatically, earning a couple of stares from the people around us. "How could you? I'm your cousin! Your best friend!" she fake cries into my shoulder and I giggle at the little play that we had put on. We used to do this all the time when we were much younger, make up plays and sketches. Sky was always so dramatic and she loved theatre.

"Well, have you gotten everything?" Sky asks in between fits of laugher.

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p', gesturing at my suitcase.

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