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The soft but annoying peep of the alarm wakes me up. I groan and flip over, covering my ears with a pillow, but obviously, it doesn't stop the repetitive beeping from reaching my ears. I sigh and sit upright on my bed, then reaching for my phone to hit the snooze button. I want to go back to sleep but I remember that promise I had made to myself- that I would make Sky some breakfast. I sigh and head into the bathroom, eyes half open, to wash the sleep away from my face. Once I am done freshening up, I make my way to the tiny kitchen.

There isn't a peep coming from Sky's room so I assume she's still asleep. Peeking through the the glossy wooden kitchen cabinets, I look for something that I can prepare for Sky. I find a box of pancake mix and check the expiry date. I pick out a couple of eggs and butter from the fridge, and pour myself a cup of water. After whisking the ingredients together, I pour the fluffy yellow mix onto a non-stick pan on the stove and watch it sizzle. 

The scent of pancake wafts in the air minutes later. It only takes me a few seconds to lay the table and get the maple syrup and better ready before Sky drifts into the kitchen, zombified, with half open eyes and blue hair all over the place.

"Mmm... that smells good," she murmurs. "Did you make this yourself?" she gestures to the plate of pancakes on the table. 

"Nope, a little elf did it," I say sarcastically. Sky just rolls her eyes. She isn't in the mood for jokes then. 

I pour Sky and myself a cup of orange juice each and sit opposite her, who is already busy stuffing her cheeks with the pancakes I had made. 

"What time did you get up to prepare this?" she asks.

"Seven thirty," I say. "By the way, can you take me out shopping? I really need to get some new clothes." 

"I thought you'd never ask," Sky smiles. "I need to get some things too. We can go for lunch too. The buses are going to be too crowded going into town... maybe we should ask Harry," she says as she wipes her mouth with a clean paper napkin. Her plate is already empty whilst I, on the other hand, hardly touched my food at all. Harry's going to drive us again? Does she always rely on him? Maybe they're even closer than I thought. "Oh and by the way, this is really, really good," Sky smiles and picks at the tattoo on her arm. 

"Thanks," I say and take another sip of my orange juice. Sky leaves the table after gulping down her juice and I finish my breakfast. After that, I gather up all the dishes and place them into the dishwasher. After cleaning up, I head to the bathroom to take a shower.

I strip and get into the shower, sighing deeply as I feel the soothing warm water hit my back. Lathering the vanilla scented shampoo into my tangled hair, my thoughts slowly lead back to Harry again, to them time when he almost smiled at me last night. I try to picture him really smiling, but failed. My mind is blank, the only thing coming into my mind when I think of him is that horrid scowl of his. It leaves a mark on the back of my head. 

Why do I keep thinking about him? He's different, somehow. Appearance wise, he's like Sky, but there's something else... The fact that he doesn't even talk makes him even more mysterious. 

I cringe as the water turns cold, signalling that I've been in the shower for too long, and that I need to get out. I wipe myself dry and wrap the towel around myself, then pacing into my room to find something to wear. 

My mind drifts once more as I look out the window. I ponder back to when I lived with my parents, in the heart of a small town in the south of the UK. That was just a few days ago. A beautiful place, full of churches, cathedrals and old buildings. Green meadows and farmlands. I remember looking out of the window of my room, distracted from schoolwork, watching people go by with their own business on the streets below.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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