Black Diamond: Chris Brown Love Story

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Black Diamond- Chapter 21


After I finished studying for my chemistry test I stood in the kitchen looking aimlessly around for something to cook because I was hungry as hell.

The sound of my phone buzzing interrupted my thoughts and almost immediately my face screwed up in a frown. The number was restricted so I ended the call and slid it in the pockets of my Adida sweats.

"what the actual fuck. " I screamed out loud while taking out my phone and seeing it was India.

"Did you just call my phone restricted hoe?" I laughed. 

"The hell? I ain't got the time to play with yo ignorant ass." India chuckled.

"What you call for then?" I asked snacking on a handful of hot cheetos.

"Oh yeah, Simone asked me to ask you about Chris' cousin."

“who? Mijo?" I laughed walking into my bedroom laying down on my back. 

India smacked in my ear. “Why she's into that conceited nigga is beyond me."

“Mijo is adorable but that nigga got a different girl everyday of the week." I laughed.

“Girl don't I know it. Speaking of conceited nigga. I ain't heard Chris in the background screaming for you to get off the phone."

“He was suppose to pick me up for school this morning but he ain't come so who knows where he at."

“Damn shame. We'll look boo I need to pick up Noah from daycare so I'll swing by for dinner."

“Who said you were invited."

“Bye trick." India laughed then hung up in my face.

I laughed then placed my phone on the charger. I wasn't about to blow up Chris' phone. He knows where home is. 

After laying in bed for a few minutes I turned on K. Michelle and turned on the shower then few my hair up in high bun.

My shower lasted a little over an hour then I stepped out and put on a pair of pink boy shorts and a black pull over.

Couple of had passed and I found myself sitting on the floor finishing my trig home work then my stomach growled. Getting up I went into the kitchen and found some forums beef to make some burgers. I cut up some potatoes and laid them in the grease when I heard my buzzing from my bedroom. I raced down the hall and slid across my bed to see my lighting up with an unknown number.

“Hello?" I asked politely.

“You have a collect call from Chris at Richmond police department. If you'd like to accept the chargers please press 0."

My eyes grew the size of saucers but I regained my composure then pressed 0.

“Baby before you go off please let me explain." Chris' voice said rushed.

“Explain what Chris? why you're calling me from jail?"

“Look I can't talk on this phone can you please come get me and I'll explain at home."

I sighed. “How much is your bail?"

“One thousand."

“One thousand Chris! where the hell am I suppose to get that kind of money from?"

“Go in yo room on the night stand and my black card should be on the in the draw."

I followed his instructions and I saw it. “I'm on my way."

I hung up then raced through the house trying to find my keys and a pair of flip flops. I ran to my car and sped down the street.

Finally, after running two red lights and multiple stop signs I made it to the police department.

“Hi, I'm here to make bail from Christopher Brown." I told the elder woman behind the desk.

“Sign this, this, and that, then have a seat over there and he'll be out in few minutes."

“Thank you." I said to the woman.

“Mmhm,  just have a seat."

I adjusted my cross body bag as I shuffled my feet to the next available seat.

It seemed like hours before a muscular correction officer appear with Chris in tow. Chris saw me and immediately his face went from cold to apologetic.

“Mr. Brown I need you to sign here before you leave and your court date is a month from now, if you fail to appear there will a warrant out for your arrest, do you understand." the woman who helped me spoke to Chris.

“Yeah." He nodded taking the paperwork.

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the door putting my sunglasses on and opening the driver side door. Chris came out minutes later then spotted my car and walked over with his hood up. He got in and I pulled off while turning up the volume to the Miguel song playing in the background.

I pulled in the driveway of Chris' apartment then reached in my bag and pulled out his black card.

“Here." I said nonchalantly.

“B, can I just explain what happened and why didn't we go back to your place?"

“Chris take the damn card and get the fuck outta my face." I threw the card in his lap then unlocked the doors.

He sighed but did as I told and as soon as his door closed I took off down the street. As I approached the stop sigh then wiped the single tear sliding down my face.


Oh how I've missed you guys (: I'm so sorry it took me so absolutely long to update but school and work has been kicking my butt. I'm not making any promises about frequent updates after this but I will definitely try my hardest.

Black Diamond: Chris Brown Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora