Basic Rules

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A good Hydra agent follows all these rules. The rules are broken into four categories, when broken you will be referred to the Viper (leader of your house), Captain of your base, to me, Queen Hydra or Baron Zemo. Do not mistake the fact that the baron is above me to that he has more power, I am the Queen.
Category 1
These relate only to your house
1. Respect the Viper who commands you but remember who the true Head of HYDRA is.
2. Any fights or challenges for position must be carried out with supervision from the Viper, no other agent can interfere.
3. In the case of a challenge for lead role, the Viper cannot punish you. The fight must be governed fairly by the second in command.
4. You must attend meals punctually or you do not get to eat
5. Remember ever agent is your brother or sister, if you kill, steal or hurt them, you will go directly to me.
Category 2
These are for base funtion as a whole. Not every base funtions the same so be flexible!
1. The Base Captain is above your House Leader and can override any commands from your leader.
2. The Viper competition, which determines House Leader must be held annually. Zemo and I attend each one, so training ahead of time is essential.
3. In cases of injustice, a captain can be challenged and fought to the death in a fair battle.
4. Base meetings should be held often to mantain order. Every Viper and House representative should attend.
5. Every duty or mission assigned by captain or leader should be carried out promptly but accurately.
Category 3
These offenses are more serious, though I am slightly more merciful than Baron Zemo would be.
1. If you question orders from a high ranked official, you can have councel with me, but you should take the orders to your best abilities.
2. Any official cannot order you to kill yourself, sentence executions or send you on suicide missions without mine or your consent.
3. Improper use of equipment or weaponry will be referred to me for some education
4. If you are having issues and are considering leaving HYDRA, come to me, your loving Queen and remember that your blood is shared with all of HYDRA, this is your life and home
5. I am the head of HYDRA my word reigns over all other.
Category 4
Baron Zemos punishment will be the most severe, he doesn't take any offenses lightly
1. Sharing information with the enemy will get you a trial and in most cases, brutal execution
2. Betrayal of any kind will also result in similar punisment after a fair trial before your Queen
3. Changing bases or positions will be governed by the Baron
4. Leaving HYDRA without consent will be tried for punishment.
5. If there is threat to HYDRA, deal with it yourself or tell an official. A threat should never be ignored.

If you obey all the basic rules and remember the oath you took, your life as a HYDRA agent should be very prosperous.
Hail Hydra

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