Raising a Family as an Agent

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  Many people feel that the only way to raise a family is to leave HYDRA, but Hydra is fully equipped with the things needed to start a family.
  We would love for you to get married before your Queen, in our beautiful cathedral. Marriage must be approved sixth months in advance.
  There is special housing for pregnant agents and agents with families with higher security and more space.
  Pregnant agents must work during the first 4 months of pregnancy and alert me immediately when they figure out they are pregnant. They will receive 6 months maternity leave.
  After having children, there are various specialized Hydra day-cares ran by your loving Hydra brothers and sisters. The day cares at Hydra Island are art, headstart schooling, self-defense techniques, early engineers and basic care.
  All major bases have headstart, self-defense and basic care but check into your base for specifics. Minor bases will just have basic care.
  For school age children, all major bases have advanced primary school programs that teach children about the world and the views of Hydra. The schools give the children opportunities to try different skills and develop a niche so they will be prepared to go into the specialized high schools.
  The high schools at Hydra Island specialize in art, engineering and mechanics, agriculture, military tactics, athletics, handcrafting and weaponry. Your child can be transferred to different bases to pursue the education of their choice.

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