Chapter 3

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Mysterious Man's POV

I was coming to London on business. I started to walk around the corner and out of nowhere someone runs into me. I look down then look up to see two men coming my way. They smelt like trouble, so I glared at them just like I did to the students I teach. I looked back to the girl and picked her up and walked into the alley where I exited from.

This girl was beautiful. I leaned her against the wall to just leave her there.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I turn around and wham, right in the face. I started to throw punches. Self defense, right? I knocked one guy out and was holding one off.

And then the sirens and lights came closer.

The officer came and questioned the girl and I and left.

The girl walked up to me.

"Heliana. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to--"
"I don't care what you have to say. It was a good deed that is done. It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I guess."

Good going you git.

"What is your name?"
"Why do you want to know?"
And with that I left.

2 hours later

I sat in the diner thinking of earlier. Why was I so mean??

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