Chapter 6

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"OK. So I need you to grab onto my robes and close your eyes."

Heliana comes over and grabs his black, dusty robes.


Where was she???

"Muggles were roaming everywhere." She heard.


"Severus, what are muggles?"
"Muggles are none magic people."


"Come. We must not be late. The carriages don't wait."

We walk down the creaky steps and into a pub?? No, a pub with wizards and witches. That is I am guessing.

"Aha. There it is. You see it say S.S. and H.M." Pointing at the carriage with a sign.

"Severus, where are the horses and the driver?"

"We don't have horses. We have thestrals. Only people who have seen death can see them."

They climb into the carriage and set off to Hogwarts.

"So, Heliana, just to let you know, there are kids at Hogwarts. Alot of them. About 1,000 to be exact."

They came in sight of a castle.

"Is that Hogwarts?"

"Yes it is. There are 7 floors and a huge courtyard."

They arrive to see a witch in emerald green robes and a pointed hat.

"Who is she?" Heliana whispered.

"Just wait and find out. She is sweet but stern."

"Professor Snape you have returned." The witch said.

"Yes, Professor Mcgonagall. May I introduce to you Heliana McGrauff."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. McGrauff. Please call me Minerva or just Mcgonagall."

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Pr- Minerva. Thank you once again for letting me stay."

"Anytime dear. Please come in."

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