A New Start (Chapter 1)

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You had just turned 18, and of course, you soon had to graduate high school and move out of your mother's home. You knew it was going to be hard, but that didn't bring you down. While packing your stuff your mother had knocked on your door, getting up you walked over and answered it.
"Yeah, mom..?" You asked questioningly,
"What's the problem?"
Your mother scratched the back of her head, trying to hold in her tears she spoke.
"I...It's just so hard seeing you leave... You're growing up too fast, Y/N..!"
She nearly sobbed. You reached out to her, pulling her into your arms. You pat her back and smiled, tears swelling up into your eyes in which made your sight a bit blurry.
"It'll be okay, mom... I'll try to call you right when I get there, okay?" You smiled at her, releasing the tears that had welled up into your eyes. Doing so, your sight was much better.
She tightened the hug, smiling back at you.
"You'll do fine out there, Y/N... I'm so proud of you." She looked straight at you, due to being about the same height as you.
"Thanks, mom... Now, if you want you can help me pack the rest of my stuff?" You looked at her questioningly.
"Of course!" She responded, grabbing a box and putting specific items in it.
Your smile brightened. You walked over and continued to pack as well.


You looked over at your weeping mother, lending her a hug before you set off to your flight. You were pulling around a small luggage on wheels to carry all the important stuff you wanted with you on the flight. An officer stopped you.
"May I check your luggage before you enter the plane?"
"Of course, officer!"
You seemed a bit nervous for some reason. You never knew if you would of accidentally packed something dangerous or is considered a weapon. Once the officer had finished checking it he smiled.
"All clear! You may enter the plane now."
You released a breathe of relief, walking past the officer and entering the airplane. You looked around for a seat, hoping that there was two opened seats so you wouldn't have to sit next to some weird stranger. Luckily, once you got to the back there was what you hoped for. You sat your luggage right next to you so no one would try to take the open seat. You then laid back and relaxed.


After about 24 hours of riding on an airplane you finally got off with the luggage you had with you. You were so happy to be on the ground once more. You started walking until you remembered to call your mother once you arrived in Alola.
"Shit! I almost forgot to call my mom!"
You quickly reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone, scrolling through your contacts and calling your mother. After about a few seconds she answered the phone.
"Y/N?! Did you arrive safely?! Please tell me you did!" She sounded as if she was about to have a panic attack.
"Calm down mom, I arrived safely, no harm done." You calmed her down with your relaxed tone of voice.
"Thank goodness... Where are you now?"
"I'm still in the airport, hopefully I'll arrive at my new place soon."
"Ah...alright. You be careful, Y/N, you hear? I don't want to drag myself all the way to that island just to save your ass!"
You giggled at her response,
"Pff-- alright, mom. I'll be careful. Love you."
"I love you too."
You hung up the call, sticking your phone back into your pocket. Luckily, you knew that your house wasn't that far from the airport, so of course you decided to just walk there.


You had finally arrived to your final destination. Panting, you walked inside, finding a beautiful empty home. It wasn't too big, not like you really needed it to be. You placed your luggage next to the door, zipping it open and grabbing a pokéball. You threw it into the air, causing a pokémon to appear out of it. The pokémon was a Zoroark.
"How's our new place, Zoroark?" You smiled, waiting for him to respond.
He answered in a happy tone, "Zor-Zor!"
Snickering, you pet the back of his head.
"I'm glad you like it! Though, it's gonna be much better once the rest of our stuff arrives!"
You heard the doorbell ring, jumping up, you walked over to the door.
"That must be them!"
You answered the door, only to be greeted by a tan man in a lab coat, no shirt, green and grey pants, and green shoes.
You looked at him confused.
"Who are you..?"
"I'm the professor of the Alola region! It's very nice to meet a new trainer living here. My name's Kukui, and yours?"
"Um...my name is Y/N.. It's nice to meet you too, professor!"
You awkwardly smiled at him, trying to ignore the fact that he was completely shirtless and had a six pack.
"Why'd you move here?" He asked, moving his hands to his hips while waiting for a response.
"Well... I wasn't able to afford my own place back in Kanto, so I moved here instead. Since it's a bit cheaper, of course."
He chuckled at your response.
"Well, it's still nice to have you here, Y/N. Say... How about I hook you up with another pokémon? Only if you want though, seeming as if you already have one." He glanced over at your Zoroark, then back at you.
"Y-Yeah! Sounds awesome!"
You looked a bit excited now, about ready to hop up and down at this very moment. He smiled at your reaction and tossed out three pokéballs, each a different pokémon appearing out of it. First, a grass type known as Rowlet. Second, a fire type known as Litten. Third, a water type known as Popplio. It was a hard choice as you looked at all of them. You weren't sure which to pick until Popplio glanced at you in a kind matter. You smiled, knowing who to pick now.
"Can I have the blue one..?" You asked the professor.
"Of course. She's all yours, Y/N."
The Popplio ran up to you, arfing happily. You lifted her into your arms, spinning around. You knew that this was going to be the start of an amazing journey.

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