Unexpected (Chapter 3)

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When you had entered your room, you heard your alarm buzzing. Shocked that you forgot to shut it off, you ran over and quickly just tapped the "Off" button. Honestly, you didn't want to wake up early the next day after what had just happened. Thinking about it, you were actually a bit frightened at what they could of done with you. You could of ended up being forced into being one of them! Sigh... you only wanted to get some rest now. Curling up in your bed, Zoroark laying near the end of the bed, you slowly drew yourself to sleep.


Y/N had finally gotten up, not realizing how late it actually was she jumped out of bed, stretching. As she looked over at the clock she immediately jumped not knowing that she had slept that long; "12:36 PM" it read. She grumbled, pressing two of her fingers to her forehead. After a minute or two Zoroark had awoken, yawning. Y/N peeked over at Zoroark, smiling slightly. "Slept well?" She asked, acting not the slightest bit pissed off. Zoroark nodded, nuzzling her side. Giggling, Y/N stroked his fur, Zoroark acting more like a dog. "Well, let'a get ready for the da-- ahem afternoon, I mean." Zoroark gave her a sign as to yes, so she went and grabbed something to wear.

After taking a shower, getting dressed, and brushing her hair, Y/N headed out with Zoroark. They both walked to the park, hoping to have some peace and quiet, well, until a certain someone decided to show up. Yup, you guessed it, Hau came out of nowhere completely out of breathe. Y/N seemed confused. "Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" Y/N asked, a bit concerned now. "You're okay!!! Oh geez... I'm sorry if I was unhelpful last night! I tried getting someone, but as soon as I came back with the professor you were gone... I was so worried! Were you hurt? Are you still hurt? Let me see!"


You stopped Hau there, trying to keeo him calm. "I'm fine, I'm fine! Zoroark helped me last night, no injuries thanks to him." You smiled at Zoroark, Zoroark smiled back as he looked forward once again. Hau, wheezing, felt incredibly relieved that you were fine. "Phew...alright...sorry for overreacting. Say, what are you doing at the park anyway?" He questioned you, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, after last night I thought it'd be best to just relax in the park with my favorite pokémon, after all, we all deserve a break!" You smiled slightly. "True, true." Hau said as he scratched his chin. "Well, I'll see you later! I want to go and try to catch some more pokémon! Hey, you maybe wanna battle me at some point?" His eyes glimmered, obviously wanting you to just blurt out a YES. "Sure, why not?" You smiled at how cute this dork was as he jumped up and down. "ALRIGHT! CYA LATER Y/N!" Like that, he was gone.

You and Zoroark continued to sit on the bench, staring at your surroundings. After a while it was soon nighttime, but you didn't want to leave. The night sky just looked...so pretty this night for some reason. Just the stars sparkling within the bluish purple sky made you feel so calm and the least worrisome you've ever been. In fact, you couldn't help but smile up at the sky. While you and Zoroark were staring up at the sky, a dark figure had appeared next to a tree, also looking up at the sky, then back at you. Chuckling, the figure let you not notice it. It hid more behind the trees, watching both you and the Zoroark.


   As I watched the young girl, I noticed how unaware and stupid she was of her surroundings. At any point someone or something could just attack her. Like, really? It mostly happens at night. "Pathetic..." I whispered to myself. "Even after I had my grunts attempt to kidnap her, she still feels safe out here?" I tsked, walking out into sight, shaking my head at her.


   Y/N had nearly jumped out of her own skin, seeing a figure that seemed to be wearing a hoodie and was a bit hunched over. The figure smirked. "Hey, kiddo, ya havin' fun out here?" He snickered, clearly up to something. Zoroark growled, Y/N interrupted his growling. "Who the hell are you and what do you want from me...?" She seemed scared, which the figure had hoped she would be. The figure's voice was deep and raspy, and only seeing a black jacket and sweatpants wasn't helping her confidence one bit. "Speak..." She continued. He soon spoke once again. "Listen, jus' come with me and I won't hurt'cha." She thought for a minute before speaking. "...Promise?" "Promise." "Fine." Calming Zoroark down, she followed the figure, in which had it's fingers crossed.

I'M SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK FOREVER FOR ME TO UPDATE! I literally just spent this hour making this chapter because I'm such a procrastinater. <3 Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and this story so far! THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! You're all so great. Have a good one~

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