Unordinary (Chapter 2)

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               3RD PERSON POV

   Y/N's alarm had just gone off, she tried to avoid the sound and just rolled over to the other side of the bed. Zoroark escaped his pokéball. Concerned, he walked over to the side of the bed Y/N was on and lifted her off the bed. He stared at her for a few moments before shaking her lightly. Before he knew it, Y/N was wide awake.
"W-What?! I'm awake! I'm awake!" She blurted out.
Zoroark gently put her back on her feet. She rubbed her eyes as she yawned. Before going to the living room she stretched. She looked at all of her nicely placed furniture that all of the moving people brought last night, she also looked at the mess of boxes on the other side of the room. She sighed, trying to avoid the responsibility of having to unpack till later.
   She looked up at Zoroark, smiling.
"Don't wor--"
A knock on the door interrupted her sentence. She sighed, walking over tp the door and opening it.
"...Hello..?" Instead of a simple greeting, it sounded more like a question.
It was a boy with green tied up hair, a t-shirt, and orange shorts. Y/N looked at him strangely, not sure on what to say to him so she just waited for him to say something.
"Hey, new kid! My name is Hau, and I'm your new neighbor! ..May I hear your name?"
She paused for a second, returning to her happy looking state before answering.
"...Oh! Um.. It's nice to meet you! My name is Y/N."
He smiled, looking a bit more excited than he was before. He seemed to be a very enthusiastic person. Though, she didn't really mind that at all.
"Wow! What a pretty name, Y/N! I feel like we're going to be great friends!"
His smile brightened before he spoke once again.
"Do you want me to give you a small tour? We won't go far!"
She thought for a moment, not sure if she should let someone she had just met take you on a tour. Alone. He seemed nice though, so decided to say yes.
"Uh.. Sure! Sounds great! Just let me grab a few things before we go."
He nodded, allowing you to get ready before they set off.

                      Y/N's POV

You closed the door, scurrying to grab your backpack. You looked over at Zoroark, grabbing your pokéball.
"We gotta go, Zoroark!"
As much as he didn't want to get in the ball, he did so anyway. You put the ball in your bag and went to grab Popplio's ball, putting it in the bag as well. You then ran back to the door and opened it.
"Alright... I'm ready!"
Hau smiled, looking over at you. You both set off on the tour, he showed you around the closest routes and towns. You caught a few pokémon on the way. You caught a Rockruff and Cutiefly. Once he finished showing you around you both were about to head back, well, until something pulled you behind a bunch of trees.
You screamed out, "HELP!"
Hau quickly jerked his head over to where he heard you scream, attempting to chase you down.
"Y/N!! WAIT!"
You were gone from his sight in an instance. You looked up to see who the fuck was holding onto you. It looked like some dude with blue hair and a bandana. You looked over to the other person and saw a girl with pink hair and also had a bandana. You reached into your bag and grabbed a pokéball, throwing out Zoroark.
He did as commanded, sending the two grunts flying at a tree. Zoroark lifted you into his arms and ran. As he was running you looked back, thinking. "Why did they try to kidnap me or some shit...? I'm just some random trainer.."
Before you knew it, Zoroark had returned you back to where you and Hau were. Except.... Hau wasn't anywhere to be seen anymore. "Great..." You thought.
Both you and Zoroark headed off back home, though, it was pretty far so it was going to be a long walk. You continued to think why they decided to grab you instead of battling you and taking your pokémon on the spot. You knew exactly who they were because before moving here you were studying on the Alola region and ended up reading an article on the Skull gang. They looked like the exact grunts from the article, so you knew for sure that it was them. You stook close to Zoroark, weary of what might happen next if you don't. You seriously could've been kidnapped for good there, so you were thankful that you had your Zoroark with you. Soon enough, you reached your place and walked inside with Zoroark, locking the door behind you. You sighed, thinking how odd it was that they did that.

I'm sorry that this took so long, I tend to procrastinate a lot and such. Honestly, this chapter kinda sucks. I'll try to do better next time. :')

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