2 ※ congratulations

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"Congratulations." The one words makes you immediately look at manager with a wide smile.

"You may start now, since you say it is urgent." The manager smiles.

"I will introduce you to your co-worker who will help you until you get used to the work atmosphere." The manager pulls someone to stand in front of you.
Not so conveniently, the co-worker is a guy.

You stare at him for while.

He seems timid with both of hands crosses at the front, below the waist. But he also looks friendly with his wide and bright smile across his face.

"This is Kino. He is your senior but there is only one year age gap so I hope both of you will get along well." The manager turns to Kino. He mutters something like, trust or reliable before he heads back to the office.

Awkwardly, Kino approaches first. He holds out his hand, "What is your name? Nice to meet you here." He chuckles.

You carefully reach his hand. "I'm Kang Mingyeong." With a small, nervous breath, you look up

Just to get eye-contact with Kino who is also staring at you deeply.

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