9 : finale

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You feel you are going to cry. You want to leave but you feel so weak.

"But you are somewhat different." He continues.

You face the earth.

"Five years ago I was a stupid who let go of someone that is very dearly to him. I am insecure of relationship since then," he admits while looking at the stars.

You silently listen and nods, approving to what he will say next.

He sighs.

He turns over you, tapping your chin and hold your hands.

"I thought I am a stupid for doing that before but everything does really happen for a reason. If you broke up, you will meet new people again. If you are sad, you will be happy later. If you believe, everything will go your way," he pauses for a few seconds.

"I guess that beliefs makes me keep going." He strokes your hair, "I think fate is like the many stars on the sky, from then you are just a lost star to me. Hence, I am glad I found you now,"


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