Chapter 9 - Guarded Escape

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Pythagoras' POV

All around me I heard strange chants and weird muffled conversations. At first I didn't realise where I was but after I slitted open my eyes slightly I soon realised. The sisterhood of the Gorgons! Once an ancient myth told to children now my childhood nightmares are coming true.


No one had noticed that I was awake and I wanted to keep it that way. Slowly I rolled over nearer to the door. Soon I heard footsteps outside my door and womens voices saying,

"I think he moved. Go and see if he's awake!"

Voice number 1. Footsteps in the room, then someone left.

"Yes he's asleep."

Voice number 2. Then another voice, just passing by,

"Soon his sleep shall be eternal."

Then ask the voices began to laugh. I realised I had to escape but how? and how long will I have?

"When is our prayer time?"

"Half an hour."

"We complete the swap over in 40 minutes though!"

"Wait. That means he'll be alone for 10 minutes!"


"But thats against the rules."

"Shush! Our sister will hear us! Yes it is but we'll make him drink the potion again. It'll be easier when he's asleep anyway!"

Then there was silence as I waited for the 30 minutes to pass by.

Soon enough they entered my room, I lay there pretending to be asleep,.as one of them bent down in front of me and forced the drink into my mouth. Even though I had planned everything out I stil didn't want to drink the poison. They began to get impatient so I opened my mouth as I let the drink enter in. It was in my mouth, burning my tongue and rotting my teeth. I desperately wanted to gulp it down but I found three urge not to instead as son as they had left I spat out the liquid onto the floor behind me. It sunk into the earth between the stones, disappearing into the ground.

Now it was time for me to run.

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