Chapter 10 - Pythagoras finds Medusa

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Pythagoras' POV 

It was dark at first but as I turned around the corner I saw light gradually moving closer. I smelt the wax burning, as it dripped onto the floor. My heart was speeding, racing in my chest. I heard it booming in my ears, hoping that it was just me. Wherever I was, it was quiet. All I could her, as I stood behind a marble pillar, was the sounds of chants being rehearsed far of in the distance. I looked either side of me, into the darkness. On my left was a way which lead deeper into the dark where I knew I would find my way out, to the right of me was my cell. Whatever happened, whether I stayed or ran, if I got caught I would be sacrificed. I thought to myself, What would Jason do? It was then I knew, I had to fight, run, flee, do anything as long as I got away, 

I was about to run out from behind the pillar when I heard the voices of panicked women enter the room, 

"She's awake." "She's angry." "She's questioning." "She's tiring." "Fetch her sisters." "Go quickly." 

I was wondering who they could possibly talking about when one of the voices whispered, just enough so I could hear,

"Medusa's awake." 

I couldn't leave now. Medusa's here. She's alive, She's angry. The words of the women whirled through my brain as the penultimate question became clear, "Should I save Medusa?" 

If I was going to save her it had to be now. I turned to my left edging nearer to the marbled pillar, nearer to Medusa's room. I looked out. The room was empty, except for a sacrificial fire in the centre of the room. Around it lay flowers, gold and bones. On the far left-hand side of the room was a doorway, engulfed in darkness I darted over to it and slowly tiptoed inside. At first I couldn't see a thing but as my eyes got used to the darkness I noticed I was in a long corridor. At one end there was a closed door and at the other end an open one. It struck me that surely the door which Medusa's was in would have been open. I edged closer to the open door, still staying in the shadows, when I heard shuffled footsteps, which ran straight into the corridor. They turned to the right, running towards the closed door. They fumbled through their pockets, reaching out a small shiny object - a key! Then they entered the room. 

I was tempted to follow them so I began to walk slowly towards the door. It was slightly ajar as I heard a girl's voice talking, hastily and nervously. When she had finished another voice spoke. I recognised it instantly, it was Medusa. I decided to sneak into the room, even though there was light by Medusa's bed I could not see her, and she could not see me. I was hidden in the shadows. 

The girl bowed her head and left, locking the door behind me. Thoughts came rushing into my head thinking. If Medusa recognised me, surely she would spare my life? But what is she had forgotten me? What if she had forgotten Hercules? I suddenly realised what a bad idea this was as a voice spoke,

"Enter my sight from out in the shadows. Let me see you. Who are you?" 

She addressed me. I was locked in there was no way to escape. 

I stepped out of the shadows, my eyes covered and closed, 

"It's me, Medusa. Can you tell by my voice?"

"Me? Who is me? Don't play games with me. I can turn you to stone."

"It's Pythagoras."



"I remember a Pythagoras." 

"That would be me. Friends with Jason and..." 

"Oh yes, handsome Jason..."

"And Hercules!"


"You were very close, in fact some might call it love."

I heard her spit as she spluttered, "Love? I have not been in love, nor shall I feel it. Hercules, pah, I do not know a Hercules." 

"But Medusa?"

"Do not speak my name, Pythagoras, you are unworthy."

I stepped back into the shadows as I heard her shuffle across the room, terrified of what she might do. She doesn't remember Hercules! This is worse than I could possibly imagine.

"Why are you here, Pythagoras? What did you want? I already told you to leave me alone."

"I didn't plan to come. Someone brought us here, then I tripped, fell and the sisters poisoned me and brought me here to sacrificed." 

"So you need to escape?" 

"Yes, can you help?"

"Who brought you?"

"A doctor, he says he can help you." 

"Bring him to me. I want to see the Doctor." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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