01. A Beginning

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A midsummer afternoon in the Southern Water Tribe, two girls teamed up against their brother in a snowball fight. Katara, the youngest hit her older brother right in his face, earning a laugh from her older sister, Kenna. Sokka, their brother wiped his face off, sporting and disapproving impression. The two sisters laughed even harder.

Kenna moved her hand gracefully, so a bubble of water rose from the snow. Katara watched intensely as the bubble hardened and without even touching it Kenna had throw the ball after Sokka. Kenna was a waterbender, one of the few left in the Southern Water Tribe. Only she and Katara were left, everyone else had been taking by the Fire Nation.

Katara tried to replicate her sisters move, but as she looked down at the snow, she noticed it being tainted with black soot. The snow falling from the sky, fell black instead of white. Something was wrong. Katara sprinted away trying to find their parents.

The Fire Nation had come at last. Weeks ago they had gotten a hint that there were still two waterbenders left in the Southern Water Tribe. The three siblings had no idea what was about to happen, so the youngest, Katara, ran to find their mother.

Sokka ran to find their father which left only Kenna. She stood her ground as everyone else went for shelter. She ship came closer and closer. When it came close enough, Kenna breathed deep from her nose and out. She rose her hand and moved it down. Up and down, till a wave the size of the ship came and moved the ship exponentially.

Although it was not enough. More ships than she could account for started arriving and men in black and red uniforms with red spiky helmets. Kenna wasn't fazed. She kept bending, throwing the soldier over the walls, freezing them in the snow. She kept it up, till she was surrounded and could do nothing. However, not a muscle was pulled from her face.

Four soldiers lead the girl back to the ship. She cast one last glance at the Southern Water Tribe, the last she would see of it in a long time. Once on the ship she was lead to a large room, where she was left alone in the dark.

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Re-edited: 06/06-19

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