Underneath The Mistletoe [Skylox]

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[I bet you can't guess what this is! XD ~Quiet 🐾]
*Sky's Pov*
"Stupid alarm clock.." I murmured/groaned. I practically slammed the snooze button as I cuddled back into my sheets, as soon as I began dozing off there it was again...
Before it finished I threw it across the room. (Me right there😂) I groaned, as I sat up, my hair was sticking in all directions, I was still in my pajamas and I had bags under my eyes from staying up late for nearly the whole week, should I go on? I was definitely not happy to wake up this early, but Christmas spirit or something along those lines. We were having a, before party, I guess. Though who cares about the fact we literally party right after Christmas? I sighed as I got out of bed, I decided to check my phone, bad idea in a shady room, I swear it burned like a thousand scorching suns. I dropped my phone on my bed slightly rubbing my eyes, the one time I don't wear my glasses! I huffed as I decided to put my glasses on, well sunglasses. The dark room now looked even darker as I opened my curtain slightly flinching as light flooded the room. I picked up my phone again checking the time...
Party starts about... 9:30 pm. So, I got pretty much the whole day! I quickly got dressed as I stuffed my phone in my pocket. Or should I sleep all day, to be honest I was considering it but then again the party for some weird reason was at my house. I sighed as I walked out of my room and down the hallway to a small closet holding old decorations. I took out the bid dropping it on the floor, a cloud of dust blew at me as I sneezed fanning it away. Taking out what I needed I found an old mistletoe, it was pretty dusty and the leaves all crinkled. It was fake yet looked so real, it was weird, I smiled thinking if all the little pranks I can do as I gently took it out. Let the decorating begin! I ran around my house like a child, decorating whatever didn't seem festive enough. Though, I didn't know where to put the mistletoe. The door? No, I might accidentally go beneath it. Though maybe the up the stairs, I mean, I wouldn't really go up there. So I can't get caught! I'll just call one of the guys up, take a picture, then let the fangirls deal with the rest! I did another check on the time...
Well that went fast! By then again it took forever to put up the Christmas tree... then almost getting my hand smashed by the hammer... and my mischievous plotting right now.. so yeah, a reasonable time I suppose! Sleep? I reasoned with myself. Naw, just a small nap. Let's just say, it wasn't a very small nap...

[*Time Skip* Before Party] Brought to you by the power of shipping.

Well, the surprise I got when I woke up was totally a good one. I woke up to my phone spamming me with reminders. I overslept... Shoot! I jumped out of bed as I ran into my closest tripping over various pieces of clothing on the floor. I got up grabbing an Christmas sweater, some random jeans, and a Santa hat. Cause' why not? I got dressed as I looked around, the one thing I forgot finally popped back into my head. Food. I forgot the most important thing! I ran downstairs quickly getting my keys and phone. I ran out locking the door before opening the car door and getting in, I quickly started the engine before driving off soon stopped by traffic. Why Christmas traffic?! Why?! After what seemed like an eternity I reached [Random Food Place]. I got a few things though a few random things were thrown in considering the rush. Lord behold, the longest line was in front of me, more waiting. I practically died inside as I waited, and waited, looking around to see if I needed anything else before I reached the cashier. I put my thing on the counter though a few things toppled over as I was a bit frantic. The cashier tried to make small talk though I just replied with nods and small mumbles as I picked the bag up with my items and bolted out. I dropped the bag in the car getting in and driving off again though I took a small peek at the time.
I might make it! Nope, I did not. Bout' ten minutes late! Everyone was outside as I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly I ran to the door opening it as if I didn't see them. I felt their glares dig into my back, not a very pleasant feeling. I chuckled sheepishly as I opened the door letting everyone rush in while I ran around like a crazy person setting everything up. Somebody called me from upstairs, what happened? Did someone fall in the toilet? Did they find my... at the thought of that I bolted up the stairs frantically. My feet ached though it was easily ignorable. Once I reached the top of the stairs I slightly panted looking around confused. Before I knew it somebody tumbled into me slightly flustered. I was confused as I look at the person, it was Ty, as well as someone fangirl if in the shadows. I gave a confused look, this is a confusing day. I had caught Ty letting him stand back up. He was very flustered causing me to chuckle though he looked frozen. I furrowed my brow as I looked up, no way... Why?! My own prank betrayed me! I flustered up, this is torture, I feel like I have a fever. We stood there in awkward silence before we both broke into a fit of laughter.
"This is j-just a dream right?" Ty laughed as I nodded in agreement.
"Y-yeah! We'll just wake up!" I agreed though wasn't keen on waking up. I looked around we were surrounded, I think I'm going to die here...

*Ty's Pov*
I was awkwardly sitting on the couch slightly bored as I looked around. I spotted Mitch, apparently he spotted me as well as he walked over.
"Hey!" He greeted a drink at hand, eggnog most likely.
"Hi.." I awkwardly greeted back I had a Christmas hat, which is the only festive thing I really had.
"Erm, I need you for something! Can you come?" He asked biting his lip.
"Sure." I said standing up, he nodded his head indicating for me to follow him as we walked up a few stairs. He smiled mischievously as he called Sky, I slightly flustered what was he doing?! He laughed as if reading my mind pointing to the mistletoe. "Perfect prank."
"W-what?! No!" I protested blushing furiously.
"Too bad.." He whispered pushing me back, thank the heavens, someone caught me! Though it wasn't exactly the person I wished to be with right now. Mitch slightly fangirled in the shadows as I slightly glared. Sky let me regain my balance as I stood on my own. My face was very flushed as I practically froze. Sky laughed at my flustered face, though I fully froze at that point. He looked slightly confused at my expression though as soon as he looked up his eyes widened in realization. He stood there, him sharing my same flustered expression. We stood in an awkward silence before breaking it with laughter, Sky laughing with me.
"This is j-just a dream right?" I asked I felt like passing out though Sky nodded in agreement.
"Y-yeah! We'll just wake up!" Sky agreed though his expression betrayed him as he was nervous and confused. He looked around making me look around as well, we were surrounded. I think we're done, goodbye world. I bit my lip I became very flustered, I think I'm going to faint. I gave Sky a slight 'Help meeee.' look though I could tell he didn't know what to do either. I sighed looking at Adam he looked back at me, his shades covered his eyes though he went blank. I slightly leaned in instantly regretting my decision, everyone held in the fangirled as they watched intently. Sky leaned in as well clearly wanting to get this over with, we neared as I felt his warm breath. It smelled like cinnamon yet was slightly shaky. So close, though we both chickened out instantly backing up causing everyone to whine. I saw something or someone move in the corner of my eye though... no. He wouldn't dare... my thoughts betrayed me as he pushed me towards Sky. Our lips met, now I really felt like fainting. I sort of kissed back slightly regretting it though I instinctively wrapped my hands around his neck as Sky wrapped his arms around my waist. It was a short yet long kiss in between I suppose, we broke it as I let go. He let go as well we both blushed to the point of looking like tomatoes as everyone rejoiced. I think Mitch may or may not have had a nose bleed but then again my face was so red I didn't notice I was close to one myself. I squeaked running to the bathroom followed by Sky we locked the door as we both let out a breath. I tried to catch my breath but I was so embarrassed I felt like I couldn't breath. Sky awkwardly approached me sheepishly rubbing his neck.
"So-umm, t-that happened..." He stuttered which was quite cute as I nodded. I pointed everywhere before taking a breath and pointing to the sink, he understood what I said as I washed my face slightly wiping off my blood. My face returned to slight normal though I was still very red. Sky kept his blush looking slightly cute as he awkwardly looked around. I opened my mouth to say something but didn't as I refrained.
"I'm g-going home..." I stuttered slightly regretting it as Sky nodded with a sigh.
"Bye.." I waved deciding to surprise him a bit. He nodded about to open the door again as I kissed him, a short yet sweet one.
"See you tomorrow!" I chirped leaving him with a baffled look as I opened the door and walked out. Everyone gave confused looks as I said my goodbyes glaring at Mitch then leaving. I wonder what drama will happen tomorrow...

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