~Snowglobe~ {SetoSolace}

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^Seto's Pov^
'It was that time of the year! The time everyone got together and danced with joy! Possibly my favourite holiday, I even get to see Brice.' I chuckled to myself.
'Honestly, I don't even know if he likes me back. I would go head over heels for him! But would he really do the same?' I sighed, continuing my walk over to the mall. I was really questioning me and Brice's friendship, since I like him and all..

My eyes focused on the sidewalk, carefully watching small pecks of snow, fall from the dull dark sky. Each memory of me and Brice made me walk slightly slower. I thought I could never make it to the mall in time. One, it was about 8:30, and I was going there to go Christmas shopping.

It was pretty late to go, but I didn't get paid until last minute, so..


My eyes wondered from the ground up to the oversized building. My feet toke me farther into the building, searching for things to get. I wondered over to a Christmas shop. It had Christmas trees, Lights, Ornaments and.. Snow globes. I was curious, walking into the snow globe section.

One showed two people dancing, I smiled softly. Another showed people skating, and so on.

I spent 10 minutes looking at Snow Globes. So far, only one has caught my eye.

It showed two people kissing, in front of an Christmas tree. I couldn't help but think of it as me and Brice. Yea, I fell hardcore for him. Just the way his gold locks shine, how his eyes sparkle every time I look at them. The way he looks at me, it makes my heart go crazy.


I was once home again, getting ready for the party was going to be complicated. Very well, it was 9:10. I only had 5 minutes!

I got up, running over to my closet. I don't have much clothes, so I just put on my purple cloak. Combed my hair, brushed my teeth and all those shiz. Quickly, I grabbed my bag, and picked up the Snow Globe, placing it in. I glanced at the time, 9:17. Shoot. I bursted out the door, running to Sky's place.


Once I arrived, I quickly glanced around to check who was here. Jerome was drinking a cup of milk? Mitch was up on the stairs fangirling. Ty and Sky were kissing??! Okay okay, I got to stop watching. I turned my head the opposite way.

Then, I saw him.. The man of my dreams, "hey! Seto!" He greeted me. "H-hi." Shoot! Why did I stutter??!

"Something bothering you?" He asked making innocent eyes. I giggled, "no, I'm fine." I smiled. "Glad you are." He smiled back. Those white teeth, god damn..  "What's this?" He asked taking the Snow globe out of my bag. "H-hey!"

"Where did you get this?" Brice asked, curious. "Uh, the store.." I trailed, my mind going crazy. "Nice." He smirked. "I-it was actually for you." I let a small gasp escape my throat, 'why did I tell him?!?'

"Oh really now? I wonder if this was us." He smirked, supposedly teasing me. My face flushed red, he chuckled. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "I mean I-"

I was cut off by him pulling us closer. "B-Brice!" I flushed a deeper rose red. "So be it." He smiled, our faces came closer. I closed my eyes, letting him takeover the moment.

Our lips met.

His lips were so soft, and calming. It's like I have felt this before. But, as I knew, it didn't last long, or so I thought. Our faces parted, both taking a small breather.

People surrounded us, cheering and yelling 'SetoSolace!' Which made me blush. "D-do you l-love me?" I asked through stutters.

"Why wouldn't I?"

I swear I was about to faint, right there right now. We then dove for another short kiss, him still hiding me. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you to." He returned.

Sky came down the stairs all flustered, so did Ty. "Yeah!! SETOSOLACE!" Jerome yelled from the other side of the room. I watched Mitch walk over to him.

"So is Merome and Skylox." He snickered. "Darn right Biggums!" I smiled.

"We're such a gay family."

"Why wouldn't I be proud of it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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