tortured by memories

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A/N: No guys i am not dead! i have been on a mission with my... people. JKJK no i have been on extreme overtime trying to get my life all sorted out. and i promise i will work hard for this kay? so sorry!! lets get to the chapter!

Jacys POV: "so what kind of dreams have you been having?" 'I warned you once you have one more chance to lie!' the voice said. "I forget them," I lied. she looked at me unbeilieving. "you know i dont beleive you so it would just be easier to tell me" annabeth said. "I cant," "you can" "no i cant, if i do something will happen" just as i said that i heard the door open. My head shot towards the door so fast i could have snapped my neck. "Good your hear piper," she nodded towards my direction "you will tell us what is going on" she said charmspeak seeping in her voice. 'Fight it!' "there is this voice that keeps talking to me and telling me to come to the darkside. Those guys who kidnapped me where his followers. The voice has taken over my body and delevers excrusiating pain if i disobey orders. He said he will kill all who is close to me if i tell" "so you were doing it to protect us?" I nodded. 'You could have fought it jacy. Now join me or die!" he screamed in my head. "Goodbye guys. And no matter if its me or not, kill me." i pleaded. And with that a purple mist envoloped me as i slipped into the darkness.

When i woke up i was in a cyan with pink polkdots. It was pretty aside from the fact that i was chaned down to the king sized bed. A cloaked figure walked in. Carrying a vial. He opened the vial and sat next to me. He tried pouring some into my mouth but i refused to open it. "Open, or it will become very painfull. " He said but i shook my head. He took out a dagger seeping with green goo. He exposed my left arm and cut out the words Destroyed by Fate. I didnt even try to fight the poison. I opened my mouth and prepared for the worst. He poured the blue liquid in my mouth. It felt like i was flying, and i didnt even care if i was dying. It was a huge releif of pain til i landed on the ground with a soft thud. I was in the middle of a game of capture the flag. I didnt know where i was but i got out my sword and started going along with it.

Athenas POV

Annabeth rushed in looking scared and worried. "J-j-acy is gone. " she said out of breath. My heart dropped, and i saw all the other gods have the same reaction. "Explain child" zeus motioned her to continue. "Well it started when i asked about her dream and she wouldnt tell so piper came in and piper charmspoke her. She was telling us about a voice she heard and that was controlling her. She dissapeard to save us. " She was almost broken down on the floor. Everyone gasped. "The voice belonged to kronos. " She mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear. "I hadnt even claimed her yet" i wispered to myself. Of course annabeth had to have heard it. "S-sh-she was my s-si-sister?" I nodded finding myself at a loss for words. And with that she broke down crying.

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