saving Jacy... again

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Jacy POV (Dream): I was sitting chained up infront of the council. most of them wanted me dead saying that im a shame to my family, to bad I wont live to see who my family is. my parent hadn't claimed me yet. so it mean im going to die an orphane. I woke up with sweat on my forehead and tears in my eyes. I was chained up in a magical room that wont let my use my power. annabeth walked in tears in her eyes. "what happened you, jacy please try and remember." I growled " my name is not jacy, it is jocelynn, assassin of kronos" she wimpered but then put a tough face on. "fine, be that way. im going to get jacy back no matter what." she stomped into my cell and grabbed her dagger, but it wasn't just any dagger, it was dipped in green goo. it was dipped in poison. she cut me countless times on my arms, I geuss shee didn't notice how many abuse marks were there. I fought the scream but she hit one of my scars from a week ago. I cried out in agony as she looked up "A-a-anna-annabeth?" I whispered. "jacy?" I noded. I remember the poison that trapped me in my own mind for a week. I remember seeing things I never wanted to see. why isn't kronos taking over my body right now?

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