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*5 year time jump*
"Wake up Ava we're going to see Cam
Cam!" I said to a sleeping Ava. While she woke up, I went to Harper's room. "Harper come on wake up." I said gently shaking her. "Nooooo." She said throwing the pillow over her head. "Want me to get dad?" I said in a stern voice. She quickly threw the pillow off of her head and shook her head no. "Get ready." I said and she quickly got to work. I walked through the hallway and peered into Ava's room and saw her where she had fallen back asleep. "AVA LANE DOLAN" I shouted as she quickly got up. I then felt a hand go around my waist and I sighed knowing it was Grayson. "Ava. Get ready please." Grayson said in a gentle voice and she began getting ready. He closed the door and pushed me against the wall and put his forehead against mine. "It's okay. Calm down a little." He said. I shook my head "No I haven't seen Cameron in years and I'm nervous to see my sister's replacement." I said. His grip on my waist tightened. "Don't think of it that way. No matter how much Cameron and Taylor love each other, she will never be able to replace Emma." I sighed and let a tear fall from my face. He wiped it with his thumb and cupped his hand around my cheek. "I love you" he said as he kissed me. "I love you too." I said kissing him again. "We should get ready" he said letting go. "Yeah." I said walking towards our room with him following. We both got dressed and got ready. I went to go check on the girls and I went to Harper's room. She was ready but she fell right back asleep on the bed. "Harper Gray." I said. "What what I'm up." She said. "Sure." I said giggling. "You ready?" I asked. She nodded her head and dragged herself out of her room. "Hey how come Ava gets to sleep?" She asked pointing into Ava's room where she had put on clothes and went to sleep. No shoes and her hair was a mess. "Ava Lane." I said walking in her room. I picked her up and dragged her to my room. "Grayson." I said and he turned around from the bathroom mirror where he was brushing his teeth and a toothbrush hung out of his mouth. "Ava." He said rolling his eyes and spitting out the foam from the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. He wiped his face and picked up Ava. "Young lady why haven't you gotten ready?" He asked in a stern voice. "Daddyyyy I was tireeddd." She said groaning. "I don't care. Let your mom do your hair and get some shoes on." He said. "And you better not do that again. Got it?" He asked. "Yes." She said. I took her hand and took her to her room and set her in my lap so I could do her hair. I ran a brush through it and just put it in a ponytail. Sometimes I wish she would take better care of her hair. Harper has blonde hair like me but Ava has dark hair like Grayson and I love it. I hate seeing it all knotted and stuff. I pick her off of my lap and help her put on her shoes, because she has trouble with tying her shoes. "Ready little duck?" I asked when I finished tying her shoes. "Yep." She said. We walked down the stairs and found Grayson and Harper waiting on us. "There they go." Grayson said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. We walked to the car and I buckled Ava into her car seat and I helped Harper buckle the seatbelt because she still has trouble. I sat down and buckled up. "Okay kiddos it's going to be a long ride so you can sleep if you want." Grayson said. There was silence and we both looked back to find them both sleeping. Grayson chuckled. "They're definitely my kids." He said looking back at me. "Yeah, it shows" I said smiling at him. He started the car and we started to pull out of the driveway. While we were driving he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and rubbing the side of my thumb with his, causing me to fall asleep.
*At Cameron's*
"Hey wake up" Grayson said to me in a calming voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see him still in the car trying to wake me and the girls up. "You guys ready to go see Cam Cam?" He asked now smiling. "Yeah let's see Cam Cam!" The girls yelled. I slowly got out of the car and went to Ava's side. I unbuckled her from her car seat and picked her up. Grayson had gotten Harper unbuckled and she was running to the door. "Okay okay slow down little duck." He said grabbing hold of her hand. He knocked on the door as Harper waited with excitement. Cameron opened and he was holding Noah who was now Harper's age. "Cam Cam!" Harper said running into his arms as he picked her up with his free hand. "Hey girl look how big you've gotten!" He said. "And where's that little sister of yours that I've heard so much about?" He said kissing her on the cheek. That's when I walked up to the door. "Cameron, this is Ava." I said smiling. "Hey Ava." He said putting down Harper and Noah as they ran off to wherever. I handed him Ava and she looked confused. "Ava this is Cam Cam." I said. "Hey Cam Cam" she said smiling. "Hey where's my kisses?" He asked. She hand a confused look on her face. "What kisses?" She asked. "These!" He said planting kisses all over her face as she laughed. He looked over at Grayson and I. "Hey how about you go with your sister to go meet Noah?" He asked putting her down to find Noah and Harper. She nodded and ran off. He pulled Grayson into one of their bro hugs and then he came to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I miss her." He whispered in my ear. "Me too." I said trying not to cry. "I'm glad you came." He said. "I'm glad to see you again." I said. We pulled from the hug and he let us inside. I saw a girl sitting on the couch with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She was on her iPad zooming in and out and writing things down. "She's an interior designer. Always working." He said rolling his eyes. "Taylor." He said getting her attention. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said putting down her iPad. "I forgot we were having company and I got caught up in all of this." She said motioning to her iPad. "It's fine, I understand how much time you have to give up to these kind of careers." Grayson said. "I can never get a break." She said chuckling. "Nope it goes on forever." Grayson said chuckling. He looked at me to say something but I couldn't. I saw Noah running in and he saw me. "Aunt Kenna!" He said running into my arms. "Hey buddy!" I said hugging him. "Hey Uncle Gray" he said tugging on his pants leg. "Hey man" he said fist bumping him. He then ran off to continue to play with Harper and Ava. "So.. um Grayson, Makenna this is my girlfriend. Taylor." He said slightly smiling for approval. "Nice to meet you Taylor." Grayson said shaking her hand. "Hey." I said folding my arms. Grayson sighed and grabbed my hand. "Thank you" I whispered to him. "Nice to meet you both." She said smiling. "Oh Cameron who's that other guy you said was coming? His name was um... Ethan?" She asked. "Yeah. I forgot to say Ethan is coming with his girlfriend." He said. "Girlfriend?" I blurred out. I swallowed hard and squeezed Grayson's hand. "Yeah... I forgot her name but he's bringing her so we can meet her." He said. "Well Makenna I think you know her." He added. There was a moment of silence of us trying to figure out who it was until we were all interrupted out of our thoughts by someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it" I said. I opened the door to see Ethan only. "Hey." I said hugging him. "Hey my girlfriend is in the car because her makeup messed up or something." He said shrugging his shoulders. I squinted my eyes to try and make out the face in the car but I got nothing. I turned to Grayson who had shrugged his shoulders. "Babe hurry up." He called to the car. "I'm coming." The person said. I recognized that voice but I don't know where. I saw a girl walk out of the car and come up to Ethan as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Makenna?" She said.              "Carley?"

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