Battle scars

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*One week later*
Makenna's p.o.v
"Okay you have 30 seconds to explain" I said as I was faced with Ethan. Lately I've been ignoring him and avoiding him. He came over to our house 4 times in the past week, after the incident when I chose pizza over him. That pizza was actually really good. Anyways, today I decided to finally let him talk, but only because I was tired of him annoying me. "Look I wanted to tell you that I left because I couldn't handle seeing you with Grayson. I wouldn't said something earlier but you guys are happy and I don't want to ruin it, because I've ruined enough." He said. "Wait why are you upset about me and Grayson?" He backed up away from me and leaned against the hallway wall. "Do you not remember anything that happened? You cheated on me with my brother, then we are happy in our relationship until all of a  sudden you pop up pregnant, and don't you think I would know if it was mine or not?" He said. "But what really kills me is that you have the nerve to ask me that question. Like I said, you cheated. I can't just get over it with a snap of my fingers. This takes time and you must not realize that even though it's been a few years, I'm still not completely over it." He said. "But what does running away have anything to do with this?" I asked. "Me running away helped me get away from it. I understand that I should have told you, but if it makes you feel any better, I didn't tell Gray until like 3 weeks after." He said. "That doesn't make me feel better at all. But thanks for trying to explain." I said. "Well I figured it was best to tell you at some point." He said crossing his arms. "Yeah well I wish you would have told me earlier." I said. "I'm sorry but it was hard for me to talk to you." He said. "Yeah I get it." I said tilting my head down. He was about to say something but he was interrupted by Harper running down the hallway trying to muffle her sobs. She slammed her bedroom door behind her and the sound echoed through the hallway. "What was that about?" He asked. "I don't know but I'm about to find out." I said walking towards her room. I gently knocked on the door "Harper?" I asked in a calming voice. "Go away!" She screamed. "Please?" I asked. I heard a sigh followed by shuffling and then the door opened. "Leave me alone!" She said slamming it back in my face. It hurt me inside to know that my little girl was upset. I decided to leave it alone and give her privacy.

Harper's p.o.v
I walk down the hallway of the school to my locker. I opened it and a note fell to the ground. I crouched to the ground to pick it up. I leaned against my locker as I read it.

       I like you. Like a lot. Meet me behind the tree at the playground during recess.

I couldn't believe it. The cutest boy in my grade likes me. I quickly folded the note and put it in my pocket as I walked to class, waiting for recess to come. Recess came around and I went to the tree. Parker wasn't there yet so I decided to wait. I waited, and waited........ no Parker. Recess came to an end and I came to a conclusion that he wasn't coming. I walked back into school sad. I was heading back to my locker when I saw them. The popular girls. There were three of them. Hannah, Stacy, and Katie. Katie was the 'leader' of them all. All guys wanted her and every girl wanted to be her. But she was so mean. But what was she doing at my locker? "Hey Harper." She said. "Umm hi." I said. "Hey isn't your dad like famous or something?" She asked. "Yeah kinda." I said. "Hm well I bet that's fun. Like it was fun to have Parker ditch you." She said with a smirk. That's when I realized that she wrote the note. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "Because it's funny." She said with Hannah and Stacy laughing behind her. "I-I." I started to speak but I couldn't get the words out. "What's wrong? Did you really think that Parker Harron would ever like you? Haha, only in your dreams." She said laughing. Then the group turned around and started to walk off to their classes. Tears started to form in my eyes as I opened my locker door and grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head as I looked down at the ground and walked to my class. All day I sat with my friends, but I didn't speak. I didn't eat either. Instead, I picked at my food and waited for the bell to ring. At the end of the day, I ran quickly to the bus, ignoring Ava's offer for me to sit next to her. I sat at the back of the back of the bus and cried silently until we reached my house. I ran down the aisle, pushing Ava out of the way and ran inside. I ran upstairs and down the hallway, past mom and my uncle talking, and slammed my bedroom door shut. "Harper?" My mom asked gently knocking on the door. "Go away!" I screamed. I heard her sigh and knock again. "Please?" She asked. I picked my head out of my pillow and stomped to the door. Her face lit up when she saw me, only to have the door slammed in her face while I screamed. "Leave me alone!" I shouted. I locked my door and stomped back to my bed and cried in my pillow. I was expecting another knock, but there was nothing. I sobbed into my pillow and slowly began to drift to sleep.

Ahhhhh I know I know I haven't updated in FOREVERRRRRRR and the last few chapters sucked. But hopefully this one made up for it. What do you think of Katie being mean to Harper? I don't know where it came from but there's more to come! Thanks

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