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Ava's p.o.v
I was casually in my room sitting on my phone until random thoughts started to swirl around in my head. Then I started thinking of Harper. I missed her and decided to be nosy and look around her room for pictures of us. I walked in and saw that her room was almost completely empty, except for a box that was filled with baby clothes. I walked around some more and found myself in her bathroom. I looked under the cabinet and found a hair dryer, a straightener, a curling iron, some hair clips, and a small box. I grabbed the box and examined the outside of it. When I looked inside, I immediately dropped it and stood back. Everything that was neatly organized was now scattered around dozens of different razors, a cloth that had red spots all over it, band aids, and peroxide wipes. I didn't really know what this meant, only that those razors were sharp and I didn't want to touch them. I started picking them up very carefully and placing them in the box like I found them. I closed the box and took it to my room with me.

Makenna's p.o.v
I found myself running my fingers through Grayson's hair as we laid on the bed kissing. We rolled over to where he was now straddling me and he disconnected our lips and started planting kisses along my neck. This went on for a few seconds until he pulled his shirt off and reconnected our lips. He started pulling off my shirt until we heard a knock at our door. "Well I guess we have to wait." He said laughing and pulling his body off of me. I pulled my shirt back down and started walking to the door. I opened the door and found Ava holding a small box. "What's that?" I asked looking down at the item. "It was in Harper's room." She said while opening it. I gasped at the blades that were perfectly organized inside. I saw a white cloth with what was clearly blood stains on it, and bandages and sanitizing wipes. "Grayson come here." I said not taking my eyes off of the contents. He came over and leaned on the door frame beside me. "She said this was in Harper's room." I said pointing to the box. He looked over my shoulder and inside the box. "Woah what the hell?" He asked grabbing the box. "What does it mean?" Ava asked. "Something you should never know because you should never do it." Grayson said walking further into the room. "Was she cutting herself?" Ava asked. "That's what we hope she wasn't doing." I said. Grayson's eyes started to turn red and water started threatening to drop out onto his cheeks. "Ava can you let us be alone for a few minutes?" I asked. "Yeah." She said walking off into her room. I slowly walked over and sat beside Grayson who was letting the tears fall quietly onto his face as he stared deep into the box and its contents. "I can't believe she went this far." He said letting soft sob escape from his mouth. "Do we tell her we found it?" I asked.

"No. because she probably isn't doing it anymore and we don't need to give her ideas. It's best if we just destroy it."

"How do we destroy it?"

"Burn it." He said closing the box. "Where are we going to burn it?" I asked standing up. "Take it somewhere where it can be burned." He said. "But for now, it'll stay here." He said tucking the box underneath the bed. He stood in front of me with our faces dangerously close. "We'll figure this out." He whispered. Suddenly, he let his lips crash into mine like the kiss we had when we paused. He pushed me back into the wall beside the door and continued to kiss me intensely. I reached out my arm and found the door and I closed it forcefully, locking it after.

Noah's p.o.v
I walk into my room with my girlfriend, Reagan with our mouths connected and pulling off our jackets. She pushed me onto my bed to where she was straddling me, reconnecting our lips. She ran her hand up my shirt, running her hand along my stomach. Then, she broke the kiss and pulled off her shirt, leaving her in her bra. "Woah woah what are you doing?" I asked.

"What did you think we were doing?"

"Not what you thought we were doing."


"Reagan, we haven't even been dating that long. I thought we were just making out but you must've thought something else." I said pushing her away slightly. She got off of me and crossed her arms. "Do you not love me?" She asked pouting.

"If this is what love is to you, then I guess not." I said tossing her shirt back to her. "I can't date you. Sorry, but you want more than I can give." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Noah Dallas you need me!"

"NEED YOU? Ha! What I need is for you to get out of my house."

"You'll regret this."

"Cool. Bye!" I said waving with a fake smile. She scoffed and pulled her shirt back over her head. "I'll get another boyfriend who will treat me better than you ever did!" She said grabbing her jacket. "Yeah good luck with that." I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and exited my room and I listened for the slam of my front door and as soon as it came, I jumped into my bed and watched tv.

Cameron's p.o.v
I pull into my driveway and see a girl that looks Noah's age storming out of the house. I get out of my car and walk towards her. "Excuse me, who are you?" I asked. "Your son's ex." She said storming off to her car. I shook my head and walked into my house. I walked upstairs to Noah's room and knocked on the door and waited for him to give me an okay to come in. He opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "What's up?" He asked.

"Who was the girl that just ran out of here?"

"Oh that's Reagan. We just broke up."

"Can I ask why?"

"Yeah because she thought I was going to have sex with her but she thought wrong. And then she started saying stuff like 'you need me' or whatever and I told her to leave."

"Well I'm glad you didn't do anything you shouldn't be, but did you have to be harsh?"

"Have you met her? She's such a whore."


"- no dad I'm being legit about this. I'm not the only guy she's tried to pull stuff with."

"Well, okay. Just don't do anything you'll regret."

"I won't"

Wooahhh savage Noah right here. Guess y'all thought stuff was actually about to go down 😉. Anyways sorry for the short chapter! -fefe🐢

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