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*one month later*

i fucked everything up even more

Grayson hates me

Ethan hates me

i hate me

i haven't seen, heard, or talked to either of them. the other boys don't know who i truly am. they try to hang out with me, but i usually dodge them or tell them tomorrow.

i've been in a depressed mood ever since i left Ethan sitting there in his bedroom

what kills me is the fact that i left him when he needed me the most. he was always there when i needed him. even if it was the stupidest fucking thing, he was still there. i could always count on him, yet i couldn't return the favor.

the memory never fades

his words continuously haunt me  'i still can't trust you'

the pain in my chest grows unbearable

i crumble to the floor and start crying

the only sound in this empty house is my sobs

no i won't feel sorry for myself

i'm not weak, i'm stronger than this

it's time to stop moping around and get over Ethan

i walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror

tear-stained and puffy face, messy and untamed hair

i'm a mess

i look weak

i am weak

god i hate this feeling!

i punch the mirror and see glass shatter everywhere

i look at the blood slowly dripping from my hand onto the white counter and floor

it doesn't even hurt compared to having your heart ripped out

i should probably get it checked out, but i can't drive so i call an ambulance


this hospital holds horrible memories

ones that i wish i could forget

i check my twitter

@ethandolan why did you do this to me?

@graysondolan you could've told me the truth

guilt washes over me

the doctor walks in "we stitched the big gash on your hand and the rest should heal quickly."

as if my misery couldn't get any worse

fucking fantastic

i call Cameron and he picks up on the second ring

C- what's up Taylor
J- hey Cam, can you pick me up at the hospital
C- sure but what happened?
J- i'll tell you when you get here. i'm in room 246
C-okay see you in a few
J-thanks, bye

i hang up and wait

Cameron's POV

after the call from Taylor, i rush to the hospital

i walk up to the lady 

"how can i help you today?" she asks with a fraud smile on her face

"i'm looking for Taylor Phillips" i say

she checks her computer "i'm sorry, i don't see a Taylor Phillips checked in"

"yeah she's in room 246" i say confused

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