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*2 months later*

"um Jordyn" Ethan says nervously

we are currently on our fourth date at a lake

it was beautiful and romantic and i just couldn't get enough of this view

"yeah" i ask

"i...i love you"

i smile "i love you too Ethan"

he smiles and engulfs me in a bear hug causing me to roll off the blanket

i started laughing and i just couldn't stop

Ethan sits up and watches me, his signature smirk on his lips

"i love your laugh" he mumbles

"i love your smile"

he smiles really big, showing his perfect white teeth

damn, i really love this boy

*6 months later*

Ethan and i just finished moving into our new apartment

i run to the bedroom and jump on the bed

he runs after me but stops at the doorway, studying me

"what are you doing?" i ask, a smile appearing on my lips

"just taking in the beautiful girl in front of me"

"who me?" i ask acting clueless

"damn, i can't believe you're mine" he mumbles before jumping on the bed next to me

"well believe it babe, i'm all yours"

he smirks before pulling me into a passionate make out session

*8 months later*

"do you Ethan Dolan, take Jordyn Dallas to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Ethan smiles, looking directly into my eyes "i do" 

"and do you Jordyn Dallas, take Ethan Dolan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

i smile, staring at him "i do"

"i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss your bride"

Ethan leans in and plants his soft lips on mine

we kiss for a few minutes then face our applauding family members

both of us smile as we run down the isle

i just can't believe i'm married

*4 years later*

"mom" my five year old daughter says

"yeah baby?"

"when's dad coming home?" she asks ever so sweetly

"soon baby"

she nods, her brown curls bouncing from the movement of her small head

i smile as she continues to play with her toys

Ethan comes home 10 minutes later with a smile on his face

"daddy" Luna squeals in excitement

he bends down and scoops up her little body with ease

"hey baby, how was your day?"

Luna tells Ethan exactly what she did that day, not leaving a single detail out

eventually we put Luna to bed and go to bed ourselves, exhausted from our day

"i love you Jordyn" Ethan whispers

"i love you more" 

"that's impossible" he argues, pulling my body closer to him

i cuddle up to him, allowing myself to drift off to sleep

i love my life as Jordyn Dallas

no one can change that

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