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"Ethan" i whisper into the phone


"i can't sleep" i say

i hear him chuckle on the other end

"alright i'm coming over"

"thank you Ethan" i whisper

"your welcome Jordyn"

i hang up and wait for the knock on my door

five minutes pass

ten minutes pass

i start to get worried. he should've been here by now

i call his phone, he doesn't answer

i call again, still no answer

i throw on a hoodie and my shoes

i grab my keys and run to my car

i drive to the Dolan house and crawl through Ethan's unlocked window

i walk up to his bed and see him peacefully sleeping

i breathe a sigh of relief

he's okay

i crawl in bed next to him and cuddle into his side

he wraps his arms around me, making me feel safe

my eye lids get heavy and i fall asleep wrapped in my best friends arms


"bro, what the fuck?" i hear someone yell

"Grayson shut the fuck up. she's sleeping"

"well how'd she get here?" Gray asks

"she called me and asked me to come over, but i accidentally fell back asleep. she must've come here worried about me" Ethan says

"why'd she call you and not me?" Grayson asks

"she thinks you hate her" Ethan says

"i don't hate her. i hate that she lied to us and made us worry about her for months. how many more lies is she going to tell? what if she runs away again?" 

"how many times do i have to say sorry?" i ask tears blurring my vision

Grayson looks at me with a sad expression 

"sorry you heard that" he says

"oh so i'm suppose to accept your apology when you won't except mine?" i ask

"no-" i cut him off 

"nevermind. i don't want to hear it"

"hear what? my apology? i thought that's what you wanted" Gray asks

"no i don't want to hear the pain in your voice. i don't want you to make me feel even worse for what i did. i feel your pain already Grayson and i'm sorry that i caused it. from the bottom of my heart, i am truly sorry. i'm sorry that i was selfish. i'm sorry that i left you. i'm sorry that you feel pain because of me. i'm sorry for all those things, but i'm not sorry for running away."

he looks at me with a confused expression

"if i didn't run away, i wouldn't have found out who my real friends are. i love you dearly Grayson, but true friends don't hold grudges like that. and they definitely don't try to turn other people against them" 

he looks down with a sad expression

he glances up at me one last time before leaving Ethan's room

you don't know me » dolan twinsWhere stories live. Discover now