Chapter One

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       I am 15 years old and I live in an orphanage. It isn't very pleasant here. It is a broken down, gray, and very gross smelling place. And that is no lie. This place was made back in the 1920's.

       It's nice to have a few friends here, but they aren't really great friends. Yeah, we talk sometimes, but that is about it. I am hoping that I can get adopted sometime or later, and also have the people or person be loving and caring. I don't want to be abused after what I have been through. I was put in here after my mother abandoned me because my dad had left us, and she couldn't raise me with all of the stress. Apparently, I wasn't worth it, and I was too hard to deal with. I was only nine when that happened. So that means I was put in here for six years and no one wanted me. I mean, I understand.

       "Ok everybody, listen up! There are a few people coming today to adopt a few of you guys! And, that means I want you guys to be on your best behavior. No shooting spitballs at each other,"Mrs. Lockhart, the adoption center manager, said,"and especially no hitting each other or fighting. And I mean it. Otherwise, I'll keep you in your rooms and you won't get a chance of being adopted." Yikes. Pretty harsh. It's only her first day here and she is already acting like the queen.

       But besides all of that, I was really excited. I did not care if it was someone that did not have very much money, because I would get a job, and I would work hard so we can get the money that we need to buy food, pay the bills, etc.

       I decided to ask her when might they come to adopt us.

       "Maybe sometime around 8:30, so you better get ready. If you have anything to get ready with," she stated. I nodded my head so she knew I understood. At least, I hope she knew. I wouldn't want to be visiting the 'dungeon' of Mrs. Lockhart on the first day of her job. Hopefully, it is the last. But if not, then I really need adopted by the end of today. Or else, I might be starved by her. Or even worse. And I am really tired of this place.

       The whole time I was waiting for 8:30 to come I noticed something. Snowy, my friend, was acting kind of nervous. I decided to talk to her to make her less nervous and ask why she was nervous.

       "Why are you nervous, Snowy? People could be coming to pick you up and then you would live in a house someplace other than this horrid place!"

       "Well, I am nervous because... Well... What if they were abusive people that got me?" She started chewing on the string of her sweater. I didn't know if I could make her less nervous, but I gave it a shot. And I forgot to mention one other thing about Snowy; she is only nine, like I was when I came here. She was the only one who wanted to be friends with me, so that is why she is my friend now. I am fine with it, too. It's actually nice to have her as my only friend.

       "You could call me if the people you are adopted by hurt you. I still have a cell phone that works. I will try and help you escape at night, and then you could tell these people right over there," I pointed to Mrs. Lockhart and the other people that worked here. Some were actually nice, unlike Mrs. Lockhart.

       "Are you sure they will let me get a different family that is nice?" She asked. She looked a little less nervous, and she also stopped chewing on the strings from her sweater.

       "Yep. They will let you come back. They wouldn't want a sweet little girl like you too be abused. And remember, always have your cell phone with you, OK? Don't forget," I reminded her. She didn't have a cell phone when she came here two days ago, but I had an extra because I used one for music and the other for anything else. But, I modified it so the one she has can be used for whatever so she can be entertained or call me if anything goes wrong.

       "OK..." she said in her cute little voice. I would miss her if I was adopted, or vice versa.

       Right as soon as I finished the conversation, I looked at the clock. 8:30.

       Well, time for the adoptions to begin.

Adopted By Markiplier-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now